2019-20 ETS Application Guidelines 3
ETS Grant Review Process
ETS grants are reviewed by members of the Faculty Development Committee through a blind
peer review process that evaluates the merit of the proposed activity according to the review
criteria. Reviewers consider the clarity of the proposal (including the budget statement), paying
particular attention to the project’s potential to enhance the applicant’s teaching and/or
scholarship, and its adherence to the application guidelines and rubric.
ETS Grant Funds may be used for but are not limited to
• Faculty research projects, particularly those that may lead to external funding
opportunities. Direct research activities completed during sabbatical may be eligible for
funding—all other restrictions apply.
• Projects intended to advance teaching through scholarly inquiry into student learning.
• Development and evaluation of instructional innovations that will increase the faculty
member’s ability to promote student learning (e.g., learning new and improved
methods of instruction, curricular development, learning the use of new instructional
equipment, software and/or materials).
• Costs associated with instructional improvement or for faculty professional
development, impacting student learning directly or indirectly.
• Instructional materials including specialized software (but not able to be purchased by
ITS); must include assessment of the impact of the materials on student learning.
• Fees for access to facilities and services for the development of instructional and/or
creative production/research materials.
• Travel for necessary research at most economical rates (the Faculty Development
Committee has the right to deny reimbursement for any expenses deemed to be
excessive [travel upgrades, luxury car rentals, etc.]).
• Essential research materials (books, journals, digital resources) not easily available
through campus sources.
• Laboratory research materials (supplies, instruments, consumables, analytical services).
• Essential supplies and materials for artistic work (visual and performing arts).
• Performance costs (fees for professional actors or musicians; instruments; staging;
space rental).
ETS Grant Funds may not be used for
• Travel to present research at or attend professional meetings. (Funding will be
considered for attendance at special workshops/seminars when the applicant provides
sufficient information to relate the value of the workshop/seminar to his or her research
and/or teaching. In the event the workshop/seminar is being held in conjunction with a
regular professional meeting, funding will be considered only for fees associated with
the workshop/seminar portion of the meeting but may not be used for travel, housing,
or meeting registration. Traditional Faculty Development funding may be applied for.)
• Projects that contribute directly to the earning of degrees or other professional terminal
credentials required for employment.