Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2007 Resource Guide
United States Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office
Stand Up Against Sexual Assault… Make a Difference.
o better equip SARCs with SAAM materials in subsequent
years, your feedback is essential. Please take some time to
review everything in the resource packet and tell us what
you have done to recognize SAAM, evaluating events for both
their positive and negative attributes.
To make your evaluation easier, we now offer two methods for
providing feedback. The first option uses an Internet form. A link
to the form is located on the SAPRO website at
under SAAM. In addition, the blank form in the resource guide
will accommodate those who prefer to submit written feedback.
Please tear along the perforation and send your response to the
address below. Thank you for contributing your time and thoughts
to this important matter.
The SAPRO Packet and Resource Guide:
In the boxes below, please indicate your thoughts about the SAAM
packet and how useful you found the materials we provided.
SAAM 2007 Feedback Form
Internet version available at
Overall Design
Resource Guide
Suggested Timeline
Suggested Activities
Press Resources
Additional Resources
DoD Pamphlet
Custom Pamphlets (on CD)
DoD Poster
Custom Poster (on CD)
Bookmarks (on CD)
Which Service do you represent?
What changes would you make to create a better packet
for future users?
What information did you wish to find in the packet that was
not available?
Continued on next page
Did you use any resources or websites that were not included in the packet? If so, what were they?
Did you provide your command with any handouts not included in the CD?
If so, what were they and where did you find them?
Did you use our handouts? If not, please explain why not.
What events did you choose for SAAM?
Please describe your most successful event in the table below.
Title of Event
Date & Time of the Event
Intended Audience
Approximate Cost
Brief Description
What made the event successful?
If you had other successful events, please describe how you implemented them and if you would recommend the event to other
Please describe any unsuccessful events and why you would/would not recommend them to other command/installations.
Please provide any additional comments below:
Please send form to the address below or use online version available at
Attn: SAAM 2007 Survey
1401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 402
Arlington, VA 22209