Signature of applicant Date
Email address Work
(Select one)
Yes No
Boys’ Life
Country Home address City State Zip code
First name (Full legal name) Middle name Last name Sufx
/ /
Ethnic background: Driver’s license No. State Gender
Social Security No. (required) Occupation Employer
Primary phone Alternate phone Ext. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
- -
Country Business address City State Zip code
- - X
- -
/ /
Position code Scouting position title Are you an Eagle Scout? Date earned (mm/dd/yyyy)
Black/African American
Native American
Alaska Native
Pacic Islander
Preferred nickname:
YPT completion certicate attached Background Check Authorization form attached
To be completed by unit
Careful review of the information provided on this application is a significant step in Scouting’s efforts to protect its youth members and deliver a quality program.
New leader
Former leader
Position change
Transfer application
Enter membership number
from unexpired certicate:
Council No.:
Unit No. or
District name:
District name
Multiple application
Boys’ Life
PAID: Cash Check No. ________ Credit card
Please print one letter in each space.
Signature of chartered organization head or representative Date Signature of Scout executive or designee Date
APPROVALS FOR UNIT ADULTS: I have reviewed this application and the responses to any questions answered “Yes,” and
have made any follow-up inquiries necessary to be satised that the applicant possesses the moral, educational, and
emotional qualities to be an adult leader in the BSA.
APPROVAL FOR COUNCIL AND DISTRICT ADULTS: I have reviewed this application and have made any follow-up inquiries
necessary to be satised that the applicant possesses the moral, educational, and emotional qualities to be an adult leader
in the BSA.
I hereby certify that:
1. I have read and afrm that I accept the Declaration of Religious Principle. I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of
the BSA and the local council, including the Scouter Code of Conduct.
2. I afrm that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. INITIALS
All questions MUST be answered. Write NONE if applicable.
1. Scouting background.
Position Council Year
2. Experience working with youth in other
organizations. Please provide contact information.
3. Previous residences (for last 10 years).
City State
_______________________ ____________
_______________________ ____________
_______________________ ____________
4. Current memberships (religious, community,
business, labor, or professional organizations).
5. References. Please list those who are familiar with
your character. References may be checked.
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
6. Additional information. Yes No
(Mark each answer.)
a. Have you ever been removed from
or asked to leave a leadership
position in an organization due to
allegations regarding your personal
conduct or behavior? Explain:
b. Do you use illegal drugs or abuse
alcohol? Explain:
c. Have you ever been arrested for a
criminal offense (other than minor
trafc violations)? Explain:
d. Has your driver’s license ever been
suspended or revoked? Explain:
e. Have you ever been investigated for,
accused of, or charged with abuse or
neglect of a minor child? Explain:
f. Are you aware of any reason
not listed above that may call
into question your suitability to
supervise, guide, care for, and lead
young people?
If applicant has an unexpired membership certicate, registration may be accomplished at no charge by transferring the registration
or multiple registering.
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Additional Disclosures
The state disclosures below are included because state law requires them to be provided in
writing. Some of the below rights, notices, or information also may apply to individuals from,
applying to, or volunteering in states not listed below. There may be additional requirements,
options, or provisions applicable to you and you may have additional rights under
applicable law that are not required to be disclosed to you in writing.
Minnesota: You have the right to request a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope
of any consumer report from First Advantage, P.O. Box 105292, Atlanta, GA 30348, 800-845-6004.
New York: Boy Scouts of America and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, other related entities, and/or
successors (the “Company”) may request or utilize subsequent consumer reports (other than
investigative consumer reports) on you throughout your volunteer relationship with Company. Upon
request, you will be informed whether or not a consumer report was requested, and if such report was
requested, informed of the name and address of the CRA that furnished the report. Your written
request should be made to Company at Boy Scouts of America, Membership Standards Team S201,
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving Texas 75015-2079. You may also contact the
Company by email at
(Please print)
Name: First ____________________ Middle _______________
Last ________________________ Suffix _________
List any other names used (nickname, maiden/married last names: _________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________
Unit Type and Number: _______________________________
To the extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby consent to and authorize the Boy Scouts of
America and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, other related entities, and/or successors (the “Company”)
to procure consumer report(s) (as defined by federal law) and/or investigative consumer report(s) (as
defined by applicable California state law), which in my case means criminal background
check(s)/driving record(s), on my background from a consumer reporting agency (“CRA”) or from an
investigative consumer reporting agency (“ICRA”), as described in the Background Check
Disclosure and the California State Law Disclosures (Non-Credit) (each of which I have
received separately from the Company), as well as these Additional Disclosures & Background
Check Authorization. This authorization applies only to criminal checks/driving records and does
not allow the Company to obtain credit checks. I have reviewed and understand the information,
statements, and notices in the Background Check Disclosure and the California State Law
Disclosures (Non-Credit), as well as these Additional Disclosures & Background Check
Authorization. My authorization remains valid throughout my volunteer relationship with the
Company, such that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, I agree Company can procure
additional consumer report(s), which in my case means criminal background check(s)/driving
record(s), during my volunteer relationship without providing additional disclosures or obtaining
additional authorizations. Except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law, I consent to and
authorize the Company to share this information with Company’s local councils and/or chartered
organizations for business reasons (e.g., to place me in certain positions, work sites, etc.). I
understand that, if I am selected for a volunteer position, a consumer report will have been
conducted on me.
For California, Minnesota, or Oklahoma individuals: If you would like to receive from the
CRA, the ICRA, or the Company (as applicable) a copy of the report that Company may procure, please
check this box.
Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________
Additional Disclosures
The state disclosures below are included because state law requires them to be provided in
writing. Some of the below rights, notices, or information also may apply to individuals from,
applying to, or volunteering in states not listed below. There may be additional requirements,
options, or provisions applicable to you and you may have additional rights under
applicable law that are not required to be disclosed to you in writing.
Minnesota: You have the right to request a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope
of any consumer report from First Advantage, P.O. Box 105292, Atlanta, GA 30348, 800-845-6004.
New York: Boy Scouts of America and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, other related entities, and/or
successors (the “Company”) may request or utilize subsequent consumer reports (other than
investigative consumer reports) on you throughout your volunteer relationship with Company. Upon
request, you will be informed whether or not a consumer report was requested, and if such report was
requested, informed of the name and address of the CRA that furnished the report. Your written
request should be made to Company at Boy Scouts of America, Membership Standards Team S201,
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving Texas 75015-2079. You may also contact the
Company by email at
(Please print)
Name: First ____________________ Middle _______________
Last ________________________ Suffix _________
List any other names used (nickname, maiden/married last names: _________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________
Unit Type and Number: _______________________________
To the extent permitted by applicable law, I hereby consent to and authorize the Boy Scouts of
America and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, other related entities, and/or successors (the “Company”)
to procure consumer report(s) (as defined by federal law) and/or investigative consumer report(s) (as
defined by applicable California state law), which in my case means criminal background
check(s)/driving record(s), on my background from a consumer reporting agency (“CRA”) or from an
investigative consumer reporting agency (“ICRA”), as described in the Background Check
Disclosure and the California State Law Disclosures (Non-Credit) (each of which I have
received separately from the Company), as well as these Additional Disclosures & Background
Check Authorization. This authorization applies only to criminal checks/driving records and does
not allow the Company to obtain credit checks. I have reviewed and understand the information,
statements, and notices in the Background Check Disclosure and the California State Law
Disclosures (Non-Credit), as well as these Additional Disclosures & Background Check
Authorization. My authorization remains valid throughout my volunteer relationship with the
Company, such that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, I agree Company can procure
additional consumer report(s), which in my case means criminal background check(s)/driving
record(s), during my volunteer relationship without providing additional disclosures or obtaining
additional authorizations. Except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law, I consent to and
authorize the Company to share this information with Company’s local councils and/or chartered
organizations for business reasons (e.g., to place me in certain positions, work sites, etc.). I
understand that, if I am selected for a volunteer position, a consumer report will have been
conducted on me.
For California, Minnesota, or Oklahoma individuals: If you would like to receive from the
CRA, the ICRA, or the Company (as applicable) a copy of the report that Company may procure, please
check this box.
Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Signature of applicant Date
Email address Work
(Select one)
Yes No
Boys’ Life
Country Home address City State Zip code
First name (Full legal name) Middle name Last name Sufx
/ /
Ethnic background: Driver’s license No. State Gender
Social Security No. (required) Occupation Employer
Primary phone Alternate phone Ext. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
- -
Country Business address City State Zip code
- - X
- -
/ /
Position code Scouting position title Are you an Eagle Scout? Date earned (mm/dd/yyyy)
Black/African American
Native American
Alaska Native
Pacic Islander
Preferred nickname:
YPT completion certicate attached Background Check Authorization form attached
To be completed by unit
Careful review of the information provided on this application is a significant step in Scouting’s efforts to protect its youth members and deliver a quality program.
New leader
Former leader
Position change
Transfer application
Enter membership number
from unexpired certicate:
Council No.:
Unit No. or
District name:
District name
Multiple application
Boys’ Life
PAID: Cash Check No. ________ Credit card
Please print one letter in each space.
Signature of chartered organization head or representative Date Signature of Scout executive or designee Date
APPROVALS FOR UNIT ADULTS: I have reviewed this application and the responses to any questions answered “Yes,” and
have made any follow-up inquiries necessary to be satised that the applicant possesses the moral, educational, and
emotional qualities to be an adult leader in the BSA.
APPROVAL FOR COUNCIL AND DISTRICT ADULTS: I have reviewed this application and have made any follow-up inquiries
necessary to be satised that the applicant possesses the moral, educational, and emotional qualities to be an adult leader
in the BSA.
I hereby certify that:
1. I have read and afrm that I accept the Declaration of Religious Principle. I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of
the BSA and the local council, including the Scouter Code of Conduct.
2. I afrm that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. INITIALS
All questions MUST be answered. Write NONE if applicable.
1. Scouting background.
Position Council Year
2. Experience working with youth in other
organizations. Please provide contact information.
3. Previous residences (for last 10 years).
City State
_______________________ ____________
_______________________ ____________
_______________________ ____________
4. Current memberships (religious, community,
business, labor, or professional organizations).
5. References. Please list those who are familiar with
your character. References may be checked.
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
Name __________________________________
Telephone (_____) _________________________
6. Additional information. Yes No
(Mark each answer.)
a. Have you ever been removed from
or asked to leave a leadership
position in an organization due to
allegations regarding your personal
conduct or behavior? Explain:
b. Do you use illegal drugs or abuse
alcohol? Explain:
c. Have you ever been arrested for a
criminal offense (other than minor
trafc violations)? Explain:
d. Has your driver’s license ever been
suspended or revoked? Explain:
e. Have you ever been investigated for,
accused of, or charged with abuse or
neglect of a minor child? Explain:
f. Are you aware of any reason
not listed above that may call
into question your suitability to
supervise, guide, care for, and lead
young people?
If applicant has an unexpired membership certicate, registration may be accomplished at no charge by transferring the registration
or multiple registering.