Planning & Development Department
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg A, Suite 114
Viera, FL 32940
Phone: (321) 633-2070, Fax: (321) 633-2074
Supplement to Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application
1. Type of Application:
__ Small-scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment
__ Large-scale Future Land Use Map Amendment
__ Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment
Plan Element(s) of Text Amendment request: ___________________________________________
2. Applicant: _________________________ Staff Planner: ______________________________________
3. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Information:
Adopted Future Land Use Designation: __________________________________________________________
Requested Future Land Use Designation: ________________________________________________________
Existing Zoning: ___________________________________
Proposed Text Amendment (if applicable): Attach the proposed text amendment in a strike- thru/underlined
format along with one copy on a CD in Microsoft Word, rtf or text format.
4. Description of Request/Justification: Must include a written statement explaining the rationale and
the appropriate data and analysis necessary to support the proposed change.
Text amendment supplemental information shall include any goal, objective, policy, implementation strategy,
directive and any supporting data and analysis, including maps, figures and tables, and; (1) Identification of the
particular element of the plan on which the request is based; and, (2) Citation of the existing language which is
proposed to be changed; and, (3) Proposed rewording of the existing language or the wording of proposed
new test.
(Use additional sheets if necessary)