Student Veteran Education Checklist
Apply for Veterans Educational Benefits
Complete the appropriate application online through the following site:
eBenefits: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov
New Students: (Students who have not used VA educational benefits before)
Chapter 33(Post 9/11) and Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill)
Complete VA Form 22-1990
Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 - Transfer to Dependents)
Complete VA Form 22-1990E
Chapter 1606 (MGIB-SR)
Complete VA Form 22-1990
Chapter 35 (Dependents Educational Assistance)
Complete VA Form 22-5495
Transfer students: (Students who have used VA educational benefits at a prior IHL)
Chapter 30, 33, and 1606
Complete VA Form 22-1995
Chapter 35
Complete VA Form 22-5495
Guest Students:
Provide a copy of your COE and parent letter from your home school to the Office of the Registrar
Once obtained, submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or eBenefits to the Office of the Registrar
For assistance with the GI Bill contact the VA at 1-888-442-4551 or www.gibill.va.gov
Contact your academic advisor
Phone: 808-932-7776 Email: uhhadvis@hawaii.edu Fax: 808-932-7775
Website: https://hilo.hawaii.edu/~advising/
Your academic advisor will help assist you in selecting appropriate classes for your degree plan
Note: The Registrar's Office verifies all courses to ensure the course will count towards your degree plan prior to
certification. This is done in addition to your academic advisors verification of your course registration.
Register for classes
Register for classes online through your STAR student account
Conduct a course audit on STAR to ensure course count towards degree
NOTE: The VA will only pay for courses that count towards your degree or graduate certificate plan. VA benefits do
not apply towards subject certificates and minors. It is the student’s responsibility to only register for required
courses. The student is responsible to pay any tuition/fees that are not paid for by the VA.
Complete a Veteran Enrollment Certification Request
Once you have registered for classes, complete your certification request form
This form MUST be completed every semester you wish to utilize VA educational benefits
You can obtain a copy of this form from the Registrar's Office or online at hilo.hawaii.edu/registrar/forms.php
NOTE: Your VA educational benefits WILL be delayed if you do not provide the Registrar's Office with this form
every semester.
Submit your Veteran Enrollment Certification Request
Ensure your Veteran Enrollment Certification Request is signed by your academic advisor and yourself
Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar, 1st floor, Student Services Center
Buy or rent required textbooks
Attend classes
Satisfactory academic progress is required by all VA educational benefit recipients
Unsatisfactory academic progress (i.e. academic probation, academic dismissal) is reported to the VA
NOTE: This WILL affect your benefits and possible cause an overpayment debt to be generated by the VA, in which
the recipient is responsible to repay.