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Rev. 05/2019
Office of the Registrar / 200 West Kawili St. Hilo, HI 96720-4091 / Student Services Center, First Floor Rm E-101 / Phone: (808) 932-7447 / Fax: (808) 932-7448 / E-mail:
Policy Statement: The University of Hawaii at Hilo’s Tuition and Fees Refund Policy can be found at http://hilo.hawaii.
edu/catalog/tuition-and-fees-refund-policy.html. Requests for tuition refunds beyond the University’s policies must
comply with the procedure below. Tuition will be refunded provided the student meets the requirements of the below
stated on tuition appeals and submits this signed tuition appeal form with supporting; appeals that do not meet the
University’s criteria will be denied. University fees, including but not limited to student fees, late fees, collection fees,
and unearned financial aid charges are not appealable charges.
Submitting an Appeal:
• Students must officially withdraw from a course before their appeal will be reviewed.
• Forms must be printed and signed (not emailed) and should address a specific issue and requested remedy.
• Submit completed form with supporting documentation to the UH Hilo Office of the Registrar in the Student
Services Center, room E-101.
• Deadlines: Appeals must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of instruction of
the semester following the term for which the appeal is requested. Summer semester appeals must be
submitted by the last day of instruction of the following Fall term for which the appeal is requested.
• Students will be contacted by email as indicated on this form with requests for additional information and
appeal results. If no email address is provided, student will be contacted by mail.
• Failure to respond to requests for documentation or further information within 30 days of notice will result in an
automatic denial of the appeal.
• The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to verify all information, including verifying with doctor’s and
instructors, and may review attendance, course performance, and all other available academic progress.
• Know there may be implications of submitting a tuition appeal if any third party or federal aid was received to
pay for your tuition charges for the term appealing.
• Tuition appeals for other University of Hawaii campuses must be submitted to each institution individually.
Appeal Process:
• The Registrar’s Office reviews appeals on a time permissive basis.
• Normal processing time is from four to six weeks; however, depending on the complexity of the appeal, receipt
of supporting documentation, and/or time to communicate with other involved parties, processing time may
extend beyond that time frame.
• Appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
• All appeal decisions are final.
• Students are responsible for payment of all tuition and fees that are still assessed with their account after the
appeals process.
• Upon decision of your appeal, you may be required to reapply with Admissions for future registration.