Registrant School / Employment Information
Does the registrant attend school or are they employed? Yes No
Name of School / Employer:
School / Employer Address:
School / Employer City, State and Zip:
School / Employer Phone # Contact:
(Additional School / Employer)
Name of School / Employer:
School / Employer Address:
School / Employer City, State and Zip:
School / Employer Phone # Contact:
Special Needs
What is the registrant’s special need? (Select all that apply)
Alzheimers / Dementia
Mental Illness
Mobility Impairment: Wheelchair
Diabetes / Hyperglycemic (Type )
Mobility Impairment: Other
Oxygen Dependent
Project Life Alert
Electricity Dependent
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Hard of Hearing / Deaf, or other Hearing Impairment
Service Animal
I/DD - Intellectual / Developmental Disability
Sight Impairment / Blind
Life Alert
Speech Impairment
Describe any of the registrant’s life threatening medical concerns: (eg. food or medicine allergies, seizures, etc.)
Does the registrant use an Epi-pen? (If yes, please give location where it is stored) Yes No
Any Triggers which affect the registrant? (i.e., Loud Noises, Bright Lights)
Any Calming Methods used for the registrant?
Does the registrant frequent / gravitate to water, playgrounds, etc.? (If yes, give locations) Yes No
What products / equipment and with which vendor does the registrant have from Life Alert / Project Life Saver? (eg. pendant,
wristband, mobile app, push HELP button, etc.)
Does the registrant have a Social Worker / Case Worker assigned? Yes No
Name of Social Worker / Case Worker Phone #
Does the registrant have a service animal?
If yes, give the type/description, name and what the service animal assists with