Part I - Statement of Applicant and member(s) in charge
State of New Jersey
County of __________________________________
We do hereby each make the following statement, under oath, with respect to the foregoing application:
Signature of Ofcer and Title
Signature of Member-in-Charge
Signature of Member-in-Charge
Signature of Member-in-Charge
Signature of Member-in-Charge
If more space is needed in any section of this application, insert extra sheets of paper.
Applicant’s registration slip from the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission
must be presented to the Municipal Clerk with this application.
Sworn and subscribed to before me this
______day of ________________ , 20 ___.
Notary Public (Print name)
Signature of Notary Public
Affix seAl here
1. The applicant (is) (is not) limited in its activities to the
furtherance of one or more authorized purposes as dened
in the Bingo Licensing Law.
2. Prior to the issuance of any license to it to conduct games
of chance, the applicant was actively engaged in serving
one or more “authorized purposes.”
3. The applicant has received and used, and in good faith
expects to continue to receive and use, to further one or
more authorized purposes, funds from sources other than
games of chance.
4. The conduct of the games on the occasion or occasions for
which this application is made will be to raise and devote
the entire net proceeds to the authorized purpose described
in the application.
5. For each occasion for which a license is sought, one or more of
the members listed who are familiar with the Bingo Licensing
Law and the Rules and Regulations, will be in full charge of,
and primarily responsible for, the conduct of the games.
6. No commission, salary, compensation, reward or recompense
will be paid to any person for holding, operating or conducting
or assisting in the holding, operation or conducting, of the
games, except to bookkeepers or accountants for professional
services not exceeding the amounts xed by the Schedule
of Fees, as well as the compensation for the Licensed
Compensated Workers pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:47-6A. All
prizes offered for games conducted on a single occasion will
not exceed the limit on the sum or retail value of prizes as
provided by the Bingo Licensing Law (N.J.S.A. 5:8-25 et seq.)
and N.J.A.C. 13:47-6.16 and 13:47-7.2.
7. All statements in the foregoing application are true.
} ss.
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