53_115 Solicitor Peddlar App pg1 of 2 (05/18)
Solicitor/Peddler License Application
The data on this form will be used to approve your license. Some requested data may be private. Private data is available
to you and the City or State staff who need this information to perform their duties, but is not available to the public. You
are not legally required to provide this data, but the City may not be able to approve your license if you do not provide it.
The Bloomington Solicitor and Peddler City Code, Chapter 14, is available online at BloomingtonMN.gov. By signing this
application, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Solicitor/Peddler Bloomington City Code.
I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful and I understand that falsication of answers
on this application will result in denial of the application. I authorize the City of Bloomington to investigate and make
whatever inquiries that are necessary to verify the information provided.
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________ Date Signed _____/_____/__________
Business Name___________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________ City _________________ State _____ Zip ________
E-mail Address __________________________________________________ Phone (____) ____ - ________
Supervising Manager _____________________________________________ Phone (____) ____ - ________
Contractor ID# __________________________________________________
Describe the merchandise or service to be solicited or peddled ______________________________________
If Installers or subcontractors are used, you must provide a list with names, addresses and phone numbers.
Have you or the rm or business employing you been the subject of an investigation by a consumer
protection agency or state attorney general office? Yes _____ No _____
If yes, provide the dates and outcome of such investigation.
Have you or your company had a registration, license and/or identication card for solicitation denied or
revoked by the City or any other government body within three years before the application date?
Yes _____ No _____
If yes, provide the details and locations.
Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any ordinance other than a minor
traffic offense? Yes _____ No _____
If yes, provide the time, place, offense and penalty imposed.
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