If you’re new to the area, have been out of athlecs for a while or just want to play adult sports with diculty nding teammates,
Bloomington Parks & Recreaon oers the opportunity to register as an individual. The Free Agent Lisng (Dra List) will be used by
team looking to pick up players to supplement their roster, or to aempt to form a new team o of the individual registraon Dra
List. Names will be on the list for one season. If you are not picked up by a team, another Free Agent Form needs to be submied.
1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd,
Bloomington, MN 55431
Phone: (952) 563-8877 ▪ Fax: (952) 563-8715
Individual Registration
Free Agent Listing
To register as a free agent, ll out the informaon below and mail or drop o the form to the address above, fax to (952) 563-8715,
or scan and email the form to either mramirez@BloomingtonMN.gov or ehubbard@BloomingtonMN.gov
Registration Information: Please mark your sport(s) of choice.
My primary athlec League interest is: Recreaonal Play Compeve Play
My sport(s) of interest are: Soball Volleyball Basketball Kickball Touch Football
Spikeball Tennis Dodgeball Baggo
Desired division of play: Co Rec Men’s Women’s
Season: Winter Summer Fall
I would be interested in forming a team o of the individual registraon list.
Experience level/addional Informaon:
Email Address:
Adult Sport Free Agent Registraon – Please Print Clearly
Phone: (mobile) (home)
According to the Minnesota Data Privacy Act, some of the informaon you provide on this form may be classied as private data.
Private data is available to you but not the public. If you do not provide this data, you are not eligible to play in the City of
Bloomington Adult Athlec Leagues. By signing below, you are consenng to allow registraon informaon to be shared with the
Amateur Soball Associaon, Minnesota Recreaon and Parks Associaon Sta, Minnesota Sports Federaon Sta, City of
Bloomington Supervisors, ocials, and other registered program parcipants for the purpose of administering the above listed
recreaonal program. This consent will expire automacally one (1) year aer the date of signing.
Parcipant’s Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit