Compliance with the 2016 California Electrical Code
A. Does the plan include EVCS manufacturer's specs and installation guidelines?
B. Does the electrical plan identify the amperage and location of existing electrical
service panel?
1) If yes, does the existing panel schedule show room for additional breakers?
C. Is the charging unit rated more than 60 amps or more than 150V to ground?
1) If yes, are disconnecting means provided in a readily accessible location in line of
site and within 50’ of EVCS. (CEC 625.23)
D. Does the charging equipment have a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
(NRTL) approved listing mark? (UL 2202/UL 2200)
E. If trenching is required, is the trenching detail called out?
1) Is the trenching in compliance with electrical feeder requirements from structure
to structure? (CEC 225)
2) Is the trenching in compliance with minimum cover requirements for wiring
methods or circuits? (18” for direct burial per CEC 300)
Notes: This criteria is intended for an expedited EVCS permitting process. If any items are
checked NO, please revise plans to fit within the eligibility checklist; otherwise the
permit application may go through the standard plan review and approval process.
Plan review commences the day after submittal with up to 3 business days for
qualifying expedited projects and up to 10 business days for all other EVCS projects.
Electrical plans shall be completed, stamped and signed by a California Licensed
Electrical Engineer or a C-10 electrical contractor.
Project Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Applicant Signature: __________________________________________________________________
Applicants Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________
Contractor’s License Number and type: _____________________ - _____________________
click to sign
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