The Literacy Program Volunteer Application
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _________________
Home Telephone: ( ) __ ___ Cellular: ( ) ___
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
1. How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
□ family or friend □ co-worker □ church/community organization
□ newspaper □ city cable channel □ other: _____________________
2. Please list which volunteer tutor opportunities you are interested in:
□ basic reading/writing □ English as a Second Language □ citizenship coach
3. What languages do you speak? _____________________________________________________
Please note that a second language IS NOT a requirement to tutor English.
4. Why are you interested in becoming a volunteer tutor? _______________________________
5. Do you have teaching or tutoring experience? If yes, please describe that experience.
6. What do you hope to gain from this volunteer experience? ________________________________
7. Are you volunteering to fulfill a requirement? __ yes __ no If yes, what is the requirement?
8. Do you have any student preferences? □ Male □ Female □ No Preference
□ Other Preferences: ____________________________
9. Name of Employer (if applicable): ____________________________________________________
Does your employer have an employee volunteer program? ___ yes ___ no
Does your employer have a community contributions program? ___ yes ___ no
__Basic Literacy
__ Grassroots ESL
__ Citizenship Coach