Performance Standards for Critical Elements (The performance standard for each critical element is specified
below; examples for the top three performance levels can be found in the system description)
Level 5: The executive demonstrates exceptional performance, fostering a climate that sustains excellence
and optimizes results in the executive’s organization, agency, department or government-wide. This
represents the highest level of executive performance, as evidenced by the extraordinary impact on the
achievement of the organization’s mission. The executive is an inspirational leader and is considered a
role model by agency leadership, peers, and employees. The executive continually contributes materially
to or spearheads agency efforts that address or accomplish important agency goals, consistently achieves
expectations at the highest level of quality possible, and consistently handles challenges, exceeds targets,
and completes assignments ahead of schedule at every step along the way.
Level 4: The executive demonstrates a very high level of performance beyond that required for successful
performance in the executive’s position and scope of responsibilities. The executive is a proven, highly
effective leader who builds trust and instills confidence in agency leadership, peers, and employees. The
executive consistently exceeds established performance expectations, timelines, or targets, as applicable.
Level 3: The executive demonstrates the high level of performance expected and the executive’s actions
and leadership contribute positively toward the achievement of strategic goals and meaningful results. The
executive is an effective, solid, and dependable leader who delivers high-quality results based on measures
of quality, quantity, efficiency, and/or effectiveness within agreed upon timelines. The executive meets and
often exceeds challenging performance expectations established for the position.
Level 2: The executive’s contributions to the organization are acceptable in the short term but do not
appreciably advance the organization towards achievement of its goals and objectives. While the executive
generally meets established performance expectations, timelines and targets, there are occasional lapses
that impair operations and/or cause concern from management. While showing basic ability to accomplish
work through others, the executive may demonstrate limited ability to inspire subordinates to give their
best efforts or to marshal those efforts effectively to address problems characteristic of the organization
and its work.
Level 1: In repeated instances, the executive demonstrates performance deficiencies that detract from
mission goals and objectives. The executive generally is viewed as ineffectual by agency leadership, peers,
or employees. The executive does not meet established performance expectations/timelines/targets and
fails to produce – or produces unacceptable – work products, services, or outcomes.