8. In Columns 1 to 3, identify the specific positions that will be eliminated/restructured by organizational unit, geographical location, occupational category, grade level, and any
other factors related to the position such as skills and knowledge gaps you are seeking to address. In Column 5, identify the positions or categories of employees to whom the VSIP
will be offered in order to achieve the reductions/reshaping specified in columns 1 to 3. [NOTE: Column 5 may include additional categories of employees beyond those whose
positions are directly targeted for elimination/restructuring (i.e., positions that are not the main focus for reduction/restructuring/elimination, but which are included in the VSIP
offering only to the extent that they may provide a placement for an employee whose position will be reduced/restructured/eliminated.)] (Attach additional pages as needed)
Positions to be Eliminated/Restructured Positions to be Included in the VSIP Offering
Occupational Category
(i.e., title, series, grade,
and any other position-
related f
actors such as
skills or functions)
Indicate whether
position(s) will
be eliminated or
Scope/Category of employees who will be offered VSIP
Human Resources
Washington, DC
Dallas, TX
Human Resources Assistant,
GS-203-4 (limited to positions
performing transactional
processing work)
Offer will include all positions identified in columns1-3. In addition, the offer will include
the following positions: GS-203-4 positions in the Services Division, limited to positions
that perform transactional processing work, and further limited to those who are
currently eligible for early or regular optional retirement.