Department of Health and Human Services Section 438.6(c) Preprint – 07/31/17
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services STATE: ________________________________
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Section 438.6(c) Preprint
Section 438.6(c) provides States with the flexibility to implement delivery system and provider
payment initiatives under MCO, PIHP, or PAHP Medicaid managed care contracts. Section
438.6(c)(1) describes types of payment arrangements that States may use to direct expenditures
under the managed care contract – paragraph (c)(1)(i) provides that States may specify in the
contract that managed care plans adopt value-based purchasing models for provider
reimbursement; paragraph (c)(1)(ii) provides that States have the flexibility to require managed
care plan participation in broad-ranging delivery system reform or performance improvement
initiatives; and paragraph (c)(1)(iii) provides that States may require certain payment levels for
MCOs, PIHPs, and PAHPs to support State practices critical to ensuring timely access to high-
quality care.
Under section 438.6(c)(2), contract arrangements that direct the MCO's, PIHP's, or PAHP's
expenditures under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) must have written approval from CMS prior
to implementation and before approval of the corresponding managed care contract(s) and rate
certification(s). This preprint implements the prior approval process and must be completed,
submitted, and approved by CMS before implementing any of the specific payment
arrangements described in section 438.6(c)(1)(i) through (iii).
Standard Questions for All Payment Arrangements
In accordance with §438.6(c)(2)(i), the following questions must be completed.
1. Identify the State’s managed care contract rating period for which this payment arrangement
will apply (for example, July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018):
2. Identify the State’s requested start date for this payment arrangement (for example, January
1, 2018):
3. Identify the State’s expected duration for this payment arrangement (for example, 1 year, 3
years, or 5 years):