4. Is there any specific assistance your state will need, or are there barriers to your success
that you can anticipate? If so, please describe below.
Specific Assistance Needed Barriers y
ou Anticipate
5. In the list below, please choose the school-based health services subject areas that your state
would be interested in receiving technical assistance during the one-year affinity group
period. Please check all that apply.
Core measure improvement (oral health, immunizations, well visits, and Early and Periodic
Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment)
Care coordination between school health personnel and primary care providers
(behavioral health integration, effective use of screening and risk tools, and referrals)
Access (consent, youth engagement strategies, and effective local delivery reforms)
Data sharing and health information technology issues
Financing and sustainability (state authorities, Title V, and billing issues)
□ Other (Describe: ________________________________________________)
B. Your Team
1. Please identify the state Medicaid agency official who will lead your team.
Mailing address
2. Who else will participate on your team? Please specify names and roles (e.g., quality leader,
data manager, health plan representative, external quality review organization
representative, health care provider, consumer/patient representative, other).
3. Will representatives from your state’s public health department be part of your team? If yes,
please list names and organizations.