a) Indicate whether enrollment be voluntary or mandatory. If mandatory, is the state
proposing to exempt and/or exclude populations (if additional space is needed,
please supplement your answer with a Word attachment)?
b) Indicate whether managed care will be statewide, or will operate in specific areas
of the state (if additional space is needed, please supplement your answer with a
Word attachment);
c) Indicate whether there will be a phased-in rollout of managed care (if managed
care is not currently in operation or in specific geographic areas of the state. If
additional space is needed, please supplement your answer with a Word
d) Describe how will the state assure choice of MCOs, access to care and provider
network adequacy (if additional space is needed, please supplement your answer
with a Word attachment); and
e) Describe how the managed care providers will be selected/procured (if additional
space is needed, please supplement your answer with a Word attachment).
6) Indicate whether any services will not be included under the proposed delivery system
and the rationale for the exclusion (if additional space is needed, please supplement your
answer with a Word attachment);
7) If the Demonstration will provide personal care and/or long term services and supports,
please indicate whether self-direction opportunities are available under the
Demonstration. If yes, please describe the opportunities that will be available, and also
provide additional information with respect to the person-centered services in the
Demonstration and any financial management services that will be provided under the
Demonstration (if additional space is needed, please supplement your answer with a
Word attachment).
Yes No
8) If fee-for-service payment will be made for any services, specify any deviation from State
plan provider payment rates. If the services are not otherwise covered under the State
plan, please specify the rate methodology (if additional space is needed, please
supplement your answer with a Word attachment);
9) If payment is being made through managed care entities on a capitated basis, specify the
methodology for setting capitation rates, and any deviations from the payment and
contracting requirements under 42 CFR Part 438 (if additional space is needed, please
supplement your answer with a Word attachment); and
10) If quality-based supplemental payments are being made to any providers or class of
providers, please describe the methodologies, including the quality markers that will be
measured and the data that will be collected (if additional space is needed, please
supplement your answer with a Word attachment).