Samford University Key Request Form
Recipient Name
_______________________ ________________________ ________________________
First Last Email
_______________________ ________________________ ________________________
Phone Samford ID Number Department Name
Student Faculty Staff Other
Key For
_______________________ ________________________
Building Department
Room #
Reason for Request & Key Inventory Information [include #s on key(s)]
Name of Last Occupant of Space __________________________________
Department Head / Dean / VP Name* Signature and Date
_________________________________ ___________________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________
*Dean or AVP and VP required for Building Masters. Vice Provost required for all CHS. President required for Campus Master.
______________________ ______________________________ _______________
Print Name Signature of Requestor Date
It is necessary for the proper performance of your duties that you be issued University Keys and you are responsible
for their safe keeping. I agree that I am responsible for the security of the key and any room that I unlock. I understand
I should properly secure my office and building, as required. I understand that this key is the property of Samford
University and must not be duplicated. If the key is lost or I fail to return it upon termination, or upon request, I am
subject to a fine ($40 single key one interior lock; $40 per lock for several interior locks (up to $500); $50 exterior
door; $500 building master; $500 per building if master for several buildings which will be payroll deducted.
Building Coordinators who need a Building Master for the performance of their job will only be responsible for $90
if the key is lost. (same as an exterior building key and an interior /office key).
Index Code
click to sign
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