Full-time, 9 Month Full-time, 12 Month Part-time
Teaching Faculty Administrative Faculty Library Faculty Other ___________
When employing individuals on a part-time, adjunct or temporary basis, it may also be necessary to complete a Letter
of Agreement or the Supplemental or Part-Time Pay Request Form to show how to pay their designated salary.
Name of New Hire:
Title: Date to Report for Work:
School: Department:
Rank: # years credit toward promotion:
Tenure track: # years credit toward tenure: Non-tenure track:
Annual Salary: Rate of Pay (Hourly): OR Monthly:
This employee is replacing: Position Control #:
FOAPAL: Index: Fund: Org.: Acct.: Prog.:
Campus Address (Bldg. & Room #): Campus Phone #:
Complete this section if a stipend is part of the full-time appointment:
Stipend Job Title:
Stipend Annual Salary: Annual Salary (faculty salary plus stipend):
FOAPAL: Index: Fund: Org.: Acct.: Prog.:
APPROVAL: (Please route in the following order)
Department Head/Chair: Date:
Dean (if applicable): Date:
Provost/EVP: Date:
President (if applicable): Date:
Budget Office: Date:
Human Resources: Date:
Revised: 12/11