What Does My Recipient’s “Authorized Weekly Hours” Mean?
My recipient’s authorized weekly hours mean his/her monthly authorized hours divided
by four. For example, if my recipient is authorized to receive 125 hours of service
monthly, my recipient’s authorized weekly hours are 125 ÷ 4 = 31 hours, 15 minutes.
Maximum Weekly Hours
The maximum weekly hours amount is a guideline that tells me the highest number of
hours I can work in a workweek so my recipient can budget his/her service hours in the
month to ensure all his/her monthly service hours are received.
• If I work for just one recipient, the maximum hours that I may work in a workweek
is my recipient’s monthly authorized hours divided by 4. However, since most
months are slightly longer than 4 weeks, I will work with my recipient to spread
his/her hours throughout the month to make sure he/she has enough hours of
service at the end of the month.
For example: There are 31 days in the month of December. If I work for just
one recipient, and she receives 100 monthly authorized hours, my maximum
weekly hours are 25 hours (100 monthly authorized hours divided by 4). How-
ever, since December is actually 4½ weeks, my recipient would need to decide
how many hours to take away from each of the first four weeks in order to
have enough hours left for the last few days at the end of the month. My
recipient could, for example, set up a schedule for me to work 22 hours in each
of the first four weeks of December, which would leave her with 12 authorized
service hours left over for the final few days of the month (22 X 4 = 88 hours;
88 hours + 12 hours = 100 hours).
• If I work for just one recipient and he or she has other providers
, my recipient
must make a work schedule for me and the other providers to determine how
many hours each of us will work. My recipient may divide his/her total authorized
hours among his/her providers as he/she sees fit.
• If I work for more than one recipient, the maximum number of hours that I may
claim in a workweek for all of the time I work for all my recipients combined is
66 hours. Each of my recipients must make a work schedule for me to
determine how many hours I will be working for each of them so I can
make sure that I do not work more than 66 hours per workweek.
Changing the Number of Hours I Work Each Week: What My Recipients Can and
Cannot Do
Switching hours
• If my recipient has one or more other providers, I may “switch” some of my hours
with another provider in a particular workweek in order to ensure that the recipient
SOC 846 (11/15)