SC0881Bi (11/02/2017) e
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You can apply for a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System loan ranging from $5000 to $40,000 with up to 120-months to
repay and no down payment. Name on deed and Santee Cooper electric must match. Maximum outstanding loans per
customer cannot exceed $40,000 for renewable energy resource loans. Combined energy efficient loans and
renewable energy resources loans outstanding maximum per customer cannot exceed $40,000. Santee Cooper will
only finance PV Systems that are installed by an approved Trade Ally. For list go to
Equipment Requirements
1. The minimum PV System size is 1000 Watts.
2. PV System installation must be made in accordance with
Santee Cooper's standards for interconnection anytime
the PV System will be connected in any way to Santee
Cooper's electrical system.
PV panels and inverters must be UL Listed and listed
as certified PV Module and Inverters on the Florida
Solar Energy Center's (FSEC) or Consumer Energy
Center's (CEC) website:
1. Loan Maximum is $40,000
2. Loan Term Maximum is 10-years
3. The loan program is only for the equipment associated
with these systems and does not include any land or
structural elements of the building such as walls and
roofs or other equipment ordinarily contained in the
Loan Terms
PV Interconnect and Loan Process
Utility Interconnect Approval - The Customer or PV
Contractor must apply for Utility Interconnect Approval
by providing all of the following:
Santee Cooper Application to Interconnect Customer-
Owned Small Generation 20 kW or less.
$100.00 non-refundable, Interconnect Application Fee
Santee Cooper PV Contractors Proposal
PV System Schematic Diagram (Single Line AC & DC)
Site visits and customer meetings to discuss the
applicable rate schedules and the interconnect
process may be required by an energy advisor and
utility interconnect engineer as part of the approval
2. If the Utility Interconnect Application and the PV
Contractor's Proposal are approved; the Customer
will be notified to complete the loan application
process by submitting their Santee Cooper
Renewable Energy Resource Loan Application.
3. After the PV Loan Approval, a Santee Cooper Energy
Advisor will contact you to schedule a Loan Closing.
4. After all Loan Documents are approved by Santee
Cooper, the Customer may contact the PV Contractor
to get the proper building permits from the local
jurisdiction and install the PV System. The PV
system shall be installed within 120 days of Santee
Cooper's Notification of Loan Approval.
5. During the PV system construction, a different meter
will be installed.
6. When PV system installation is ready for service and
the PV Contractor has received the “Final Inspection”
approval from the local jurisdiction, the Customer
shall contact the Santee Cooper Area Engineer
Supervisor to schedule the Final Testing and
Inspection of the PV System and Utility Interconnect.
7. If the PV system installation and interconnection
meets all NEC and Utility requirements and passes
the Final Inspection and Testing by the Area
Engineering Supervisor, a completed Interconnect
Agreement will be given to the Customer for their
acceptance signature.
8. Upon satisfaction of all loan program and
interconnection requirements, Santee Cooper will
disburse the loan payments. Checks will be mailed
to the SETA. Copies of all the loan documents will
be mailed to you for your records.