SBCG19LF - V2 - 23/01/15 Page 1 of 3
To be filled out in full for all oil fired burner building consent applications.
Address of installation: _____________________________________________
Heater make and model: ____________________________________________
Installer Name: ____________________________________________________
Boiler Burner
Application complete and accepted by vetting officer:
Signed: Accept More Info N/A
Building Category:
Building consent number:
Floor / Site Plan:
Two copies of a site / floor plan showing the whole installation including relevant
dimensions. The floor plan may be an outline of the building but the relevant affected
habitable rooms must be clearly indicated including relevant windows (including
neighboring properties) & the position of the appliance.
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Appliance installation:
Diesel Waste Oil
Two copies of manufacturer’s installation requirements for the heater.
Appliance tested to AS 1690 SAA Domestic Oil Fired Appliances Safe Design
Manufacturer’s clearances to combustibles complied with.
Test Certifier approval for appliance provided (for diesel supply above 50kPa)
Appliance is to be installed in a ventilated space.
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SBCG19LF - V1 - 22/09/14 Page 2 of 3
Flue Installation:
Two copies of manufacturer’s installation requirements for the flue system.
Roof/wall flashing information provided to comply with NZBC E2.
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Tank Installation:
Two copies of tank manufacturer’s information Tank Size (in l) ________
Tank is 2.5m minimum away from any window in any habitable room (including
Tank is not less than 380mm from the boundary (refer 3.2.7 AS 1691)
Tank is 100mm away from a combustible wall or 20mm away from non-combustible
Is bunding required? No Yes provide construction details (110%)
If the tank is over 1000l secondary containment details provided (double skinned or
bunding) and test certificate by certifier.
Tank vent opening is not within 1m from any opening into the dwelling or any
window (including a fixed glazed window)
Details of how the tank is restrained / fixed down are provided.
Fuel supply line is metallic.
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Fire Valve:
Fire Valve make: ______________ Fire Valve type: ______________
Two copies of installation instructions Fire valve located outside of dwelling
Location shown on site plan complies with manufacturer’s instructions
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Backflow Prevention:
Backflow prevention details provided N/A because ______________________
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SBCG19LF - V2 - 23/01/15 Page 3 of 3
NZBC F7 Warning Systems: Smoke alarms shall be located as follows:
a. In multi-storey units, there shall be at least one smoke alarm on each level within
the household unit.
b. On levels containing sleeping spaces, the smoke alarms shall be located either:
i) In every sleeping space, or
ii) Within 3.0m of every sleeping space door. In this case, the smoke alarms must
be audible to sleeping occupants on the other side of the closed doors.
c. In all cases, so the sound pressure level complies with that specified in NZS 4514.
Comment: Smoke alarms also need to be located so that an alarm is given before the escape route from
any bedroom becomes blocked by smoke. This includes those parts of escape routes on other floors.
Although not required by this Acceptable Solution, the interconnection of individual smoke alarms should be
considered if audibility is a problem.
Smoke alarms as per above in the dwelling are shown on floor plan.
Accept More Info N/A
Office use only
Further Information Requested / Phone Call / Counter advice:
Time cost
Date provided
Date approved
Granting of Building Consent
Name of building control officer:
Signed: Date:
I am competent to undertake processing on this building consent and am
satisfied on reasonable grounds that the provisions of the building code will
be met if the building work is completed in accordance with the plans and
specifications contained in this building consent (as per Section 49 of the
Building Act 2004). I hereby grant this consent subject to payment of
outstanding fees.
Senior review (optional)
Name of senior building control officer:
Signed: Date:
I have undertaken a review of the processing of this building consent and am
satisfied on reasonable grounds that the processing officer has undertaken a
competent check in accordance with the processing sheet and the
requirements of the building code.
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