All fields in this section must be completed (or separate quality assurance documents covering all aspects provided with the application)
otherwise your application will be not accepted.
This should consider the complexity of the work, the risks and consequences of it not complying, and any quality assurance that can be offered.
Refer to MBIE for further guidance, and in particular the guidance examples on how to complete this application.
Detailed description of work
Describe the proposed work in detail;
specify work not to be covered by
exemption; for earthquake repairs,
specify damage to the building.
The completed work is likely to comply with the Building Code if it
is carried out in accordance with your proposal.
There are two grounds on which the
Council can decide to exempt building
work from requiring building consents.
Please nominate which of these that you
believe applies to this project (both
options may be selected if necessary).
If the completed work were not to comply with the Building Code,
it would unlikely endanger any people or building provided it is
carried out in accordance with your proposal.
Specify the standards, acceptable
solutions, or MBIE guidance documents
that may apply.
Who is carrying out the design
What qualifications and proven
record of compliance do they have
in carrying out work of this
Comprehensive details of all
designers and consultants involved
in the project along with relevant
experience in similar works must
be provided.
Construction responsibilities
Who is carrying out the building
What qualifications and proven
record of compliance do they have
in carrying out work of this
Comprehensive details of all
contractors involved in the project
along with relevant experience in
similar works must be provided.
Outline everything you are offering
to satisfy council that the
requirements of Schedule 1, 2(a)
and/or (b) of the Building Act 2004
will be met.
Summarise the QA system to be
used to ensure compliance e.g.
inspection schedules and
completion documents.
Document can be attached.