Step 1: Please answer the following two questions.
1. Describe the extenuating circumstances that prevented you from meeting the SAP standards.
Be sure to include relevant details and dates. If more space is needed, attach an additional statement with this form.
2. What has changed in your situation and what steps have you taken that will allow you to make satisfactory
academic progress in your next term of enrollment?
Provide information about improvements in study skills, health, family situations, employment, finances etc.
If more space is needed, attach an additional statement with this form.
Step 2: List the documentation you will submit with your appeal.
Step 3: Complete your Academic Plan with Admissions and Advising.
Step 4: Submit the Appeal Form, Academic Plan, and
supporting documents to Financial Aid Services.
Last Name First Name Student ID Date
I am completing the SAP appeal in order to receive aid for:
Fall Winter/Spring Summer
Year Year Year
The SAP Restriction Appeal
Financial Aid Services
Please read the instructions before completing this form.
Financial Aid Services 443-518-1260;
10901 Little Patuxent Pkwy 443-518-4576 (FAX)
Columbia MD 21044 
ImageNow Doc type: UG Finaid SAP
FA Doc Name: S-Restriction Appeal
Work Flow Main: FAS Document Processing
Sub-queue: SAP First Review
Print Form
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Discussion with student included:
Program of Study
Possible change of program
Discussed credit load
Referral to Student Support Services for tutoring
Referral to Student Support Services cohort group
SAP Restriction Appeal Academic Plan
I understand that if my appeal is approved, each semester I will need to meet the requirements, below.
If I have attempted 1–40 credits,
I must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.5.
I must maintain a minimum semester Pace of 57%.
Once I reach 41 or more attempted credits,
I must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 3.0.
I must maintain a minimum semester Pace of 67%.
Once I exceed the Maximum Timeframe,
I must maintain a minimum semester Pace of 67%.
Please inital:
I understand:
I must continually meet the terms of my academic plan as stated above.
I must adhere to the terms of my degree audit/degree completion plan and I can only take those courses outlined in my
degree audit/degree completion plan.
If I change my major, I must meet with an academic advisor to complete a new plan which I must provide to Financial Aid Services.
If I fail to meet the terms of this plan, I will no longer be eligible to receive nancial aid.
I am responsible for reading and understanding the HCC Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy
as outlined in the college catalog and on the HCC website.
It is a violation of the HCC student code of conduct for another person to complete and/or submit this form on my behalf.
I certify that the information provided on this appeal request form has been written and provided by me, the student, and is accu-
rate and complete.
If my appeal is pending or denied and I am enrolled in the subsequent term after I failed to meet the SAP standards, I must make
immediate payment arrangements with the Cashier’s oce (including tuition and fees and any bookstore charges incurred).
If my appeal is approved, I understand that my awards will be reinstated based on availability of funding and that I am responsible
for any outstanding balance owed to the college.
I have read and I understand the above statements. Please sign below.
Student’s signature
Last Name First Name Student ID
Name of advisor or retention specialist (PRINT) Signature
This form must be signed by an academic advisor or retention specialist.
Financial Aid Services
Suggested courses for upcoming term:
Advisor Section—to be completed and signed by
an academic advisor or retention specialist
Student’s program(s) of study: