____ Applicants Initials P a g e | 1 October 2019
City of Baton Rouge / Parish of East Baton Rouge
Office of the Planning Commission, 1100 Laurel Street, Suite 104
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Staff Use Only
Fee(s): ____________________________ Application Taken by: ________________
Receipt Number:____________________ Meeting Date: ______________________
MPN Project Number: _______________ Case Number: ______________________
Please Print or Type (all entities listed below will be copied on all comments)
1. Applicant Name and Title: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ____________________
Business: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________ City: ____________ State: _________ ZIP: _________
2. Developer (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Property Owner: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ____________________
Address: _________________________ City: _______________ State: _________ ZIP: _________
4. Subject Property Information:
CPPC Lot ID#(s): __________________________________________________________________
Lot #(s): _____________________________________________ Block/Square: _______________
Subdivision or Tract Name: _________________________________________________________
(If property is not subdivided, attach a complete legal description and a survey map indicating
bearings and dimensions.)
Nearest Intersection: ______________________________________________________________
5. Specific proposed use (Type of development and general background): ______________________
6. Actions requested: _______________________________________________________________
7. Justification for action requested: ___________________________________________________
Date Received: _____________
P a g e | 2 October 2019
8. Provide a revised plat indicating the proposed revocation (Two 11” x 17” copies).
Submitted Not Submitted If not submitted please explain:
9. Acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that private deed restrictions or covenants may exist on the subject property. I
recognize that neither the Planning Commission nor its staff may consider such deed restrictions
or covenants, if any, when determining approval or denial of an application, nor can the City or
Parish enforce private deed restrictions or covenants. It is my responsibility as an Applicant to
determine if any such deed restrictions and covenants exist on the subject property, and to be
aware that violations of the same subject me and/or Property Owner to litigation from others.
I understand that the application fee is nonrefundable. (Applications must be received by
10:00a.m. on the scheduled Application Deadline.)
Application must be signed by both applicant and property owner if different. Letter of
authorization must be submitted in absence of the property owner’s signature or where an
authorized agent signs in lieu of either property owner or applicant.
Signature of Applicant Type or Print Name of Applicant Date
Signature of Property Owner Type or Print Name of Property Owner Date
click to sign
click to edit
P a g e | 3 October 2019
Persons requesting revocation or relocation of public servitudes or street rights-of-way shall take the
following steps before such request can be forwarded to the Planning Commission and Metropolitan
Council. Applications that will not have any effect on the adjoining property may be directed to the
Council Administrator for Metropolitan Council action.
1. Acquire and application form from the Planning Commission Office or the website
(Revocations). Additionally, address a letter to the Planning Commission Office stating the
reasons for the request.
2. Copies of the reasons for the request letter and map, survey or sketch shall be sent by the
applicant to the Department of Development, Department of Transportation and Drainage,
Entergy or DEMCO, AT&T, COX Communications, and Baton Rouge Water Company to request
letters of no objection for the revocation (See names and addresses listed on the subsequent
3. A preliminary revised plat shall be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor in accordance
with LA R.S 33:5051.
4. When the Applicant has received replies from the Department of Development, Department
of Transportation and Drainage, the various utility companies, the Louisiana State Department
of Transportation and Development (when state right-of-way is involved), they shall submit
the entire application packet to the Office of the Planning Commission Resource Center. The
Planning Commission (if necessary) will then hold a public hearing and forward a
recommendation to the Council Administrator and Parish Attorney for introduction before the
Metropolitan Council.
An application packet shall include:
a) Completed Revocation application
b) Appropriate application fee
c) Appropriate letters of no objection
d) Two preliminary revised plats (one 24” x 36” and one 11” x 17”)
A public hearing must be held by the Metropolitan Council. This public hearing must be duly
advertised two weeks in advance.
Fees are:
Council Action only - $200 processing + $200 advertising
Planning Commission and Council Action - $300 processing + $200 advertising
We are glad to assist you in any way possible on these matters, but it should be understood that the
revocation or relocation of public servitudes is not a routine City-Parish service. Following the above
procedure will expedite your request.
P a g e | 4 October 2019
(Letters of “No Objection” shall be requested from all abutting property owners)
Shannon Dupont
Department of Development
Subdivision Engineering
1100 Laurel Street, Suite 200
Baton Rouge LA 70802
Fred Raiford
Department of Transportation and Drainage
222 Saint Louis Street, 8th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Gayenel Maggio
Right-of-Way Agent
Entergy Louisiana, LLC
5755 Choctaw Drive
(Mail Unit: L-CHOC-W2)
Baton Rouge LA 70805
Thomas Floyd
Construction Planner II
Cox Communications
7401 Florida Boulevard
Baton Rouge LA 70806
Jordan Bearb
Manager, Planning and Engineering
AT&T Louisiana
5550 South Sherwood Boulevard
Baton Rouge LA 70816
Ryan Scardina
Technical Services Manager
Baton Rouge Water Company
8755 Goodwood Boulevard
Baton Rouge LA 70806
Phill Zito
Lands and Right-of-Way Manager
Dixie Electric Member Corporation
P.O. Box 15659
Baton Rouge LA 70895
P a g e | 5 October 2019
Staff Use Only
A. Land Use Classification(s): __________________________________________________________
B. Zoning Classification(s): ____________________________________________________________
C. Existing Land Use(s): ______________________________________________________________
D. Surrounding Land Use(s): __________________________________________________________
E. Surrounding Land Use Classification(s): _______________________________________________
F. Surrounding Zoning Classification(s): _________________________________________________
G. Planning District/Sub Area: _________________________________________________________
H. Census Tract: ____________________________________________________________________
I. Lot and Block: ___________________________________________________________________
J. Council District: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
K. Letters of “no objection”: No Yes Department of Development
No Yes Department of Transportation and Drainage
No Yes AT&T
No Yes Baton Rouge Water Company
No Yes Cox Communication
No Yes Demco
No Yes Entergy
No Yes Abutting Property Owners
L. Revised plat indicating the proposed revocation:
No Yes
If no, explain: ____________________________________________________________________
M. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________
N. _______________________________________________________________________________
Planning Director or Authorized Signature Date