Applicant’s Initials
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October 2019
Date Received:
Conditional Use Permit
City of Baton Rouge / Parish of East Baton Rouge
Office of the Planning Commission, 1100 Laurel Street, Suite 104
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Staff Use Only
Case Number:
MPN Project Number:
Application Taken by:
Meeting Date:
Please Print or Type (all entities listed below will be copied on all comments)
1. Applicant Name and Title:
Email Address: Daytime Telephone:
Address: City: State: ZIP:
2. Developer (if applicable):______________________________________________________
Email Address:______________________________________________________________
3. Name of Property Owner:
Email Address: Daytime Telephone:
Address: City: State: ZIP:
4. Subject Property Information:
CPPC Lot ID#(s):
Lot #(s): Block/Square:
Subdivision or Tract Name:
(If property is not subdivided, attach a complete legal description and a survey map
indicating bearings and dimensions.)
Nearest Intersection:
5. Property Street Address:
6. Have any conditional use permits been granted for this location: Yes No
If yes, state conditional use and the date of approval:
7. Action Requested: Major Minor Conditional Use Adjustment
8. Existing Zoning District:
Applicant’s Initials
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October 2019
9. Does the Conditional Use Application/Adjustment require rezoning: Yes No
If yes, an application for rezoning to the appropriate zoning district must be filed
concurrently with this application.
10. Specific proposed Conditional Use:
11. Justification for action requested:
12. Previous applications:
Has any application been submitted to the Planning Commission concerning any part of the
subject property within the past two years: Yes No
If yes, provide the details and the final decision:
13. Stormwater Management Plan (SMP):
Submitted Not Submitted (If not submitted, explain)
14. Drainage Impact Study (DIS):
Submitted Not Submitted (If not submitted, explain)
15. Water Quality Impact Study (WQIS):
Submitted Not Submitted (If not submitted, explain)
16. Attach a copy of the proposed conditional use site plan (see checklist requirements)
17. Describe impact on infrastructure (streets, drainage, sewer):
18. Impact of Public Facilities
Describe the impact on Public Services such as schools, parks, transportation and other
public facilities:
19. Effects on Adjacent Properties:
Describe any proposed mitigation and/or reduction of adverse effects, including visual
impacts of the proposed use on adjacent properties:
20. Compliance with Development Review Committee and/or Departments of Development
and Transportation and Drainage comments will be required prior to approval:
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October 2019
21. Acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that private deed restrictions or covenants may exist on the subject
property. I recognize that neither the Planning Commission nor its staff may consider such
deed restrictions or covenants, if any, when determining approval or denial of an
application, nor can the City or Parish enforce private deed restrictions or covenants. It is
my responsibility as an Applicant to determine if any such deed restrictions and covenants
exist on the subject property, and to be aware that violations of the same subject me
and/or Property Owner to litigation from others.
I acknowledge that the Planning Commission makes the final decision on the approval or
denial of this application. I also recognize I do not have a right to an approval, regardless of
staff certification that the application meets ordinance requirements. A Public Hearing is
required to be held and the Planning Commission will make the decision based upon all
evidence presented at the meeting.
I understand that the application fee is nonrefundable. (Applications must be received by
10:00a.m. on the scheduled Application Deadline.)
I understand that construction shall commence within one year of the approval date.
Failure to commence construction within that period shall automatically render the
Conditional Use Permit null and void. A permit for a Conditional Use authorizes only the
particular use for which it was issued and such permit shall automatically expire and cease
to be of any force or effect if such use shall, for any reason, be discontinued for a period of
one year.
Application must be signed by both applicant and property owner if different. Letter of
authorization must be submitted in absence of the property owner’s signature or where an
authorized agent signs in lieu of either property owner or applicant.
Signature of Applicant
Type or Print Name of Applicant
Signature of Property Owner
Type or Print Name of Property Owner
Note: The Conditional Use Permit fee is determined according to the fee schedule. A
rezoning application and fee may be required in addition to this application. Refer to
Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Code for complete requirements and procedures
relating to Conditional Use Permits.
click to sign
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click to sign
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October 2019
Staff Use Only
A. Land Use Classification(s):
B. Zoning Classification(s):
C. Existing Land Use(s):
D. Surrounding Land Use(s):
E. Surrounding Land Use Classification(s):
F. Surrounding Zoning Classification(s):
G. Proposed Conditional Use:
H. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Consistent Not Consistent
I. Census Tract:
J. Lot and Block:
K. Council District: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L. Is subject property located on MoveBR? If so, contact as needed.
No Yes date correspondence sent:
M. Is subject property within Zone of Influence (Zachary, Central, BREC, or Health District)? If
so, contact as needed.
No Yes date correspondence sent:
N. Comments:
Planning Director or Authorized Signature Date