P a g e | 1 October 2019
____ Applicant’s Initials
Certificate of Appropriateness
Historic Preservation Commission
City of Baton Rouge / Parish of East Baton Rouge
Office of the Planning Commission, 1100 Laurel Street, Suite 104
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Staff Use Only
Fee(s): ___________________ Application Taken by: ________________
Case Number: _________________ Meeting Date: ______________________
MPN Project Number: _______________
Please Print or Type (all entities listed below will be copied on all comments)
1. Applicant Name and Title: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ____________________
Business: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________ City: ____________ State: _________ ZIP: _________
2. Developer (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Property Owner: __________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________ Daytime Phone Number: ____________________
Address: _________________________ City: _______________ State: _________ ZIP: _________
4. Property Street Address: ___________________________________________________________
CPPC Lot ID #__________________________Lot #___________Block/Square #_______________
5. Historic Designation (check one and write in the official name):
Historic District Historic Landmark
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
6. Type of work:
Exterior Alteration New Construction/Addition
Demolition of Structure Relocation of Structure
Tree Removal Other: ________________________________
7. Has Construction Begun?
No Yes
8. Is a Building Permit Required?
No Yes
Date Received: ______________
P a g e | 2 October 2019
9. Description of proposed work and name of architect or contractor, if any (use additional sheet if
10. Age and style of building: __________________________________________________________
11. Supporting documentation: This application is incomplete until all supporting documentation (as
outlined in the Unified Development Code Chapter 3, Section 3.7.4) is submitted.
Photographs Material Descriptions
Plans Drawings
Reports Other:_________________________________
12. Acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that private deed restrictions or covenants may exist on the subject property. I
recognize that neither the Planning Commission nor its staff may consider such deed restrictions
or covenants, if any, when determining approval or denial of an application, nor can the City or
Parish enforce private deed restrictions or covenants. It is my responsibility as an Applicant to
determine if any such deed restrictions and covenants exist on the subject property, and to be
aware that violations of the same subject me and/or Property Owner to litigation from others.
I understand that the application fee is nonrefundable. (Applications must be received by
10:00a.m. on the scheduled application deadline.)
Application must be signed by both applicant and property owner if different. Letter of
authorization must be submitted in absence of the property owner’s signature or where an
authorized agent signs in lieu of either property owner or applicant.
Signature of Applicant Type or Print Name of Applicant Date
Signature of Property Owner Type or Print Name of Property Owner Date
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
P a g e | 3 October 2019
Certificate of Appropriateness
A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) shall be required for any exterior change that is visible from a public
street unless the change is considered ordinary maintenance and repair. Depending on the nature of the
work, a COA is granted by the Planning Director through a staff-level process or by the Historic Preservation
Commission (HPC) through a public hearing.
Applications and documentations which may include photographs, reports, scaled drawings and in some cases,
stamped plans, must be submitted to the Planning Commission office to make a determination on how a COA
may be issued. See Unified Development Code (UDC) Chapter 3, Section 3.7.4 Certificates of Appropriateness.
1. Staff Level: COA’s are issued for exterior changes that do not require a building permit. A staff level
COA may become a public hearing if objections are raised during the comment period by a member of
HPC or if the Planning Director fails to make a decision. Comment period is 14 days from receipt of the
application and required documentation.
2. Public Hearing: COA’s are issued for all exterior changes that require a building permit or for any staff
level COA with HPC objections. All required documentation must be received by 10 a.m. on Thursday,
five weeks before the HPC public hearing.
P a g e | 4 October 2019
Staff Use Only
A. Land Use Classification(s): __________________________________________________________
B. Zoning Classification(s): ____________________________________________________________
C. Existing Land Use(s): ______________________________________________________________
D. Surrounding Zoning Classification(s): _________________________________________________
E. Lot and Block: ____________________________________________________________________
F. Council District: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
G. Classification on Historic District Building Survey: _______________________________________
H. Character Area:__________________________________________________________________
I. Comments:
Planning Director or authorized signature Date