2018-2019 Resources Form
Are you (and your spouse) required to file a federal income tax return (1040)?
Where did you (and your spouse) live?
With a parent Relative/friend In my/our own apartment/house
How was your housing cost paid?
Other, please explain:
What was the cost of your rent/mortgage per month?
How did you pay for food?
How much did you spend per month on your food/groceries?
What other kinds of expenses did you have in 2017?
How much did you spend per month on the expenses listed above?
How did you pay for those expenses?
Did you pay and/or receive child support for any member of your household in 2017?
I did not pay/receive child support in 2017
Signing this form certifies that the above information is true and accurate.
Student Signature Date
Student ID
Legal Name
This form has been requested because income reported on the FAFSA was blank, zero or appears too low to have met
basic living expenses for an individual or family.
Please answer the following questions for the year 2017:
A. Tax Information
Service EMU Locations: 240 McKenny Hall & 268 Student Center
Fax: 734.487.4281
Email: financial_aid@emich.edu
Web: www.emich.edu/finaid
Yes, please attach a copy of your 2016 IRS 1040(s).
B. Housing Expenses