2018-2019 Unusual Enrollment
History Appeal Cover Sheet
This form is a required cover sheet to be completed and submitted with all Unusual Enrollment History appeals.
Unusual Enrollment History Appeal Requirements Checklist:
Completed Unusual Enrollment History Appeal Cover sheet (this form)
Typed appeal in your own words that includes:
1. Explanation of the circumstances that prevented academic progress at each institution where credit
was not earned.
2. A clear plan of action describing how academic progress has and/or will improve
Supporting documentation (letter from instructor/advisor/tutor, medical documentation, etc.)
Complete Financial Awareness Counseling at studentloans.gov. Include the printed confirmation page
provided at conclusion of counseling with your appeal
The Financial Aid Review Committee will review and respond to your appeal with either an approval or a denial.
These decisions are communicated in writing to your EMU email account.
Review committee decisions are final. If a decision is made to deny your appeal, you may request a second
review by the committee ONLY if you provide new information and documentation that was not included in the
initial appeal.
Student ID:
Legal Name:
Service EMU Locations: 240 McKenny Hall & 268 Student Center
Fax: 734.487.4281
Email: financial_aid@emich.edu
Web: www.emich.edu/finaid