2. Student (F1)____________ 3. Permanent Resident: Alien Card No.
Box 3, and complete the ne
__________ Year__________
udent Name____________________________________________
Upon review of the above data, I hereby declare the above name
eligible for residence status in this school district.
eligible for residence status in this school district.
eligible for residence status in this school district.
eligible for residence status in this school district.
Complete this form and bring to
4525 Education Park Drive
Schnecksville, PA 18078-2598
udent Name____________________________________________St
udent Name____________________________________________
Social Security Number_______________________Age
t Address_______________________________________________________Telephone
Number _________________________Number
Date moved to this address
: Month__________ Year__________ Month
__________ Year__________
(If at this address less than one year, please show previous address below.)
How long at this address?_____________________________________
Each registrant is required to file a Statement of Residency for the purpose of determining school district jurisdiction. The information
given is subject to verification, and falsification may result in additional fees and cost which if not paid will result in cancellation of
Please check either Box 1, Bo
2, or Box 3, and complete the ne2, or
Box 3, and complete the ne
1. Resident of Sponsoring School District: Please read the following list carefully and check the school district in which you reside.
(L) Lehighton
(N) Northern Lehigh
(R) Northwestern Lehigh
(P) Palmerton
(V) Panther Valley
(K) Parkland
(S) Salisbury
(U) Southern Lehigh
(W) Whitehall-Coplay
(A) Allentown
(C) Catasauqua
(E) East Penn
(T) Jim Thorpe
Resident of Nonsponsoring School District. If a Pennsylvania resident, list the County
Nonresident of Pennsylvania / International Student
Resident of Schuylkill County
5. I am a citizen of the United States.
If no, please indicate Country of Citizenship
____ 2. Student (F1)____________ 3. Permanent Resident: Alien Card No.____
2. Student (F1)____________ 3. Permanent Resident: Alien Card No.
give exact address on license______________________________________________________
This is to certify that the information stated above is true and correct
DATE____________________________________STUDENT’S SIGNATURE___________________________________________
Upon review of the above data, I hereby declare the above name
eligible for residence status in this school district.
Upon review of the above data, I hereby declare the above name
eligible for residence status in this school district.
is not
eligible for residence status in this school district.
Date Secretary/Business Manager Official Seal