This section for BLB Resources, Inc. use only
BLB Resources Processed by: ________________________ Date:______________
Approved Denied
4D – Rev. 8-7-20 All previous versions are obsolete.
© BLB Resources, Inc. 2020 All rights reserved.
4D: IA, NE, SD, WI
Request to Remove Purchaser
Please complete the following information to remove a purchaser. Completed form should be submitted via
facsimile to (949) 379-2895 or email to, and will be processed as soon as
possible upon receipt.
Please complete a new form for each purchaser removed.
Note: The primary purchaser, whose Social Security Number was submitted on the original bid, must
remain on the sales contract or the contract will be subject to cancelation.
If financing is being obtained, please attach a lender letter stating original purchaser still qualifies after
removing this purchaser.
FHA Case Number _____________________________________________________________________
Property Address (include city, state, zip) ____________________________________________________
Purchaser(s) __________________________________________________________________________
Selling Agent _______________________________ Agent Phone _____________________________
Removed Purchaser’s Information:
Purchaser’s Name (Please Print)
Purchaser’s SSN / FIN
_____________________________________________________ ____________________
Purchaser’s Signature (Required) Date
____________________________________________________ ____________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
____________________________________________________ ____________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
____________________________________________________ ____________________
Selling Agent Signature (Required) Date