This section for BLB Resources, Inc. use only
BLB Resources Processed by: ________________________ Date:______________
Approved Denied
HI – Rev. 7-22-13 All previous versions are obsolete. © BLB Resources, Inc. 2013 All rights reserved.
Buyer Select Closing Agent Addendum
This form is required in Hawaii only.
All contracts ratified on or after June 22, 2013 will be subject to the “Buyer Select” closing agent program. The
buyer will choose their own escrow company. HUD will no longer pay for either the buyer side or seller side of the
escrow fees, which will be a buyer expense. Please note Lines 3 and 9 of the HUD-9548 Sales Contract must be
filled in with the closing agent listed on this form.
Earnest money deposit (EMD) checks (cashier’s check or postal money order only) must be made payable to
“buyer selected escrow company or Purchaser(s) name.” Original EMD checks must be delivered to the Local
Listing Broker (LLB) assigned to the property within two (2) business days of bid acceptance, and a copy of the
EMD must be included with the original contract package submitted to BLB Resources. Upon contract execution
by BLB Resources, the LLB will be instructed to deliver the EMD to the closing agent selected by the buyer.
Completed form must be submitted with original contract package upon bid acceptance. If form is submitted
separately from original contract package, please fax to (949) 379-2896 or email to
I / We agree the EMD is being held undeposited by the LLB and within 48 hours of a ratified sales contract, EMD
will be delivered to the closing agent/escrow company listed on this form. I / We authorize BLB Resources to
release a copy of the sales contract and addenda for the following property to the closing agent/escrow company
listed below.
Property Information FHA Case Number __________________________________
Property Address (include city, state, zip)
Purchaser(s) ______________________________________________________________________________
Selling Agent __________________________________ Agent Phone ________________________________
Closing Agent / Escrow Company Information
Company Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (include city, state, zip)
Escrow Officer ________________________________ Phone ______________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________
Has this company ever closed a transaction on a HUD-owned property? Yes No
If yes, please enter Title ID # _____________________
If no, please attach copy of escrow company’s state license and insurance.
________________________________________________________ __________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
________________________________________________________ __________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
________________________________________________________ __________________
Selling Agent Signature (Required) Date