This section for BLB Resources, Inc. use only
Approved Denied
BLB Resources, Inc. Approval by: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
4D - Revised 8-7-20
4D: IA, NE, SD, WI
General Addendum
Addendum # ____
This form may be used for minor contract changes such as to correct the spelling of a purchaser’s
name, to change the style in which title is being taken, etc.
This form may not be used to change terms of the contract, including the purchase price,
commissions, closing costs, financing type, purchaser type, purchaser’s Social Security Number,
adding/removing purchasers, etc.
Please complete a new form for each correction. Completed form should be submitted via
facsimile to (949) 379-2896 or email to 4Dclosings@blbresources.com, and will be processed as
soon as possible upon receipt.
FHA Case Number ______________________________________________________________________
Property Address (include city, state, zip) ____________________________________________________
Purchaser(s) ___________________________________________________________________________
Selling Agent _________________________________ Agent Phone _____________________________
The undersigned parties hereby agree as follows:
_____________________________________________________ _______________________
Purchaser Signature Date
_____________________________________________________ _______________________
Purchaser Signature Date
_____________________________________________________ _______________________
Selling Agent Signature (Required) Date