Mail, fax or email the completed form, 60-day notice and lease addendum to the address on the front of this form.
− A complete Rent Adjustment form is required for each HCV tenant issued a notice of rent increase or change in lease terms.
− Housing Assistance Payment shall not continue unless Fresno Housing (FH) has approved a new tenancy in accordance with
program requirements and has executed a new HAP contract with the owner:
o If there are any changes in lease requirements governing tenant or owner responsibilities for utilities or appliances;
o If there are any changes in lease provisions governing the term of the lease;
o If the family moves to a new unit, even if the unit is in the same building or complex.
− The owner must notify FH of any changes in the amount of rent to owner at least (60) sixty days before any such changes go
into effect, and the amount of the rent to owner following any such agreed change may not exceed the reasonable rent for the
unit as most recently determined or re-determined by FH in accordance with HUD requirements.
You should receive the results of your request within 45-60 days after the request is received. There can be NO change in the
tenant’s portion of rent or housing assistance payment until this process is complete.
Do you have questions? Call Owner Services at (559) 266-9941, or e-mail us at
Monday thru Thursday and alternating Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
What is a rent adjustment?
A rent adjustment is a formal request to increase or decrease the existing contract rent. The owner/agent can request that the
contract rent be increased or decreased. The following steps must take place before the request can be approved:
− The owner/agent must submit a COMPLETED Rent Adjustment form to the Housing Authority (HA).
− The unit must have passed Housing Quality Standard inspection within the last twelve months.
− The effective date of the change will be the first day of the month. Effective dates cannot fall in the middle of a month. Example:
60 day notice served December 10, 2018; effective 02/10/2019; rent adjustment effective date will be 03/01/2019.
− In order for the rent adjustment to be effective in a timely manner, the Housing Authority must receive the documents within
10 business days from the date notice was served to the tenant.
What happens when my rent adjustment is disapproved?
If the request is disapproved, ALL documents will be returned to you with a letter stating why the increase was disapproved. Here
are a few reasons why the request would be disapproved:
− The Rent Adjustment form was turned in without a 60-day notice, or the 60-day notice is turned in without the form.
− The unit has not passed a HQS inspection within the past 12 months.
− The Rent Adjustment form is incomplete, i.e. not all boxes are complete, missing signature, etc.
− The tenant is in the transfer process or moved completely from the unit.
− The unit is at maximum rent based on comparable units within the area and the rent cannot be negotiated.
− The tenant has lived in unit for less than one (1) year.