Thank you for your interest in Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources (PRCR) for your upcoming event.
In order to best meet your rental needs, please complete the form below. Completion of this form is not a rental guarantee.
Applicant/Representative Name
(Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and will be responsible for the entire event.)
Organization (if applicable) circle one: Profit Non
Federal Non-Profit with IRS 501(c)(3) Status EIN #:_____________________________________________
(Organizations, please note: Non profit status requires entry of your federal EIN #. The applicant/representative is authorized to enter into financial
agreements for the organization and acknowledges that all payments and refunds will be issued to the organization at the address listed below.)
City/State/Zip Email
Phone Number Secondary Phone Number
Park/Facility Room/Space
Date of Event: Event Start/End Time:
Rental Start Time (including SET UP): Rental End Time (including CLEAN UP): __________________
(Note: Time should include any set-up and clean-up time needed. Set-up and clean-up are the responsibility of the renter.)
Number of participants: Adults + Minors = Total
Please indicate the number of the following you are requesting, if available (indoors only). Tables Chairs
What type of event are you having? Please describe.
Please check any of the following you plan to have at or bring to your event (Please describe as specified with line. Please note
some items are only allowed at select locations. Conditions for of use can be found on the back of this form):
Alcohol Food: Hot Air Balloons
Amusement Rides Professional Caterer Inflatables
Animals Food Truck or Food Vendor Music:
Carnival, Festival or Fa
ir Other food:_____________ Amplified music:_______________
(including races) Generator Band
Dance Grill: DJ
Deep Fryer Charcoal: onsite or other
(circle) Professional Photographer
Electronic Device Propane Portable Tents/Shade Structures/Canopies
____________ Teen/Young Adult Party (ages 13-20)
Other (please describe)
Is your event open to the p
ublic? Yes No
If your event is open to the public
, will you be giving away food, products or informatio
n? Yes
Will you be charging admission, soliciting, selling items, including food and beverages,
or accepting donations at your event? Yes No
Is your event going to be advertised ? If so, how?
Will there be any sponsorship of your event? If so, who?
Will you need access to electricity? (Note: Not all outdoor locations have access to electricity / access is not guaranteed) Yes No
Will you need access to water?
(Note: Not all outdoor locations have access to water) Yes No
For outdoor rentals, what is your inclement weather plan?
Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Rental Inquiry Form
Approved for use: 10/14/2020
(For Staff Use Only)
Date Received: Time Received: Tier:_____________________
_______ Alcohol: Consumption of malt beverages and unfortified wines is permitted only at certain City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation
and Cultural Resources facilities. Liquor is not permitted. An alcohol permit is required. There is a charge for this permit.
_______ A
musement Rides: All rides must adhere to the State of North Carolina Department of Labor Amusement Division
regulations in addition to all PRCR regulations and requirements.
_______ A
nimals: All animal contact exhibits must comply with all regulations and requirements as provided by PRCR.
_______ Assembly Permit: Rentals with 100 or more people in attendance will require an assembly permit to be completed.
_______ Carnivals, Festivals, Fairs: Additional documentation may be required depending on the scope of your event, including
assembly permit, certificate of insurance, inflatables permit, etc.
_______ Competitions (including races): A Certificate of Insurance will be required. Additional documentation may also be required
depending on the scope of your event.
_______ Dance
s: Rental requests for dance require a letter of intent from the renter at least 30 days prior to the date of the event.
A certificate of insurance will be required. Renter must comply with all other regulations and requirements as provided by
_______ Electronics: PRCR electronic devices may be available for use for an additional fee. Please check with the facility to see
what electronic equipment they may have available. Renters may also utilize their own electronics as long they check to
ensure the devices are compatible with the facility prior to your event.
_______ Food: Any rental with food must comply with all regulations and requirements as provided by PRCR.
_______ Generators: Any rental utilizing a gas generator must comply with all regulations and requirements as provided by PRCR.
_______ Grills/Deep Fryers: Charcoal grills and single propane grills are allowed in designated areas. They are not allowed inside of
buildings. The grills must be at least 15 feet away from any structure and not under coverage. They must be able to be hand-
carried to the location - vehicle access may not be available. Propane grills must have a fire extinguisher on site. Deep fryers
must have a white fire extinguisher on site. If a charcoal grill is used, the charcoal must be disposed of off park property.
_______ Hot Air Balloons: All tethered hot air balloons must comply with all regulations and requirements as provided by PRCR.
_______ Inflatables: Inflatables/Air jumpers (moon bounces) are NOT to be set up in any City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Resources without a written permit. There is no charge for this permit. Inflatables must be rented from a City of
Raleigh approved vendor. Once the applicant has completed the permit form, it shall be his/her responsibility to submit
the form for approval at least 14 days prior to the event date. For a list of sites approved for inflatables/air jumpers, please
consult with the facility handling your rental.
_______ Music: DJs, Band or Amplified Music: DJ/Amplified music may not interfere with other facility/park programs or rentals.
All City of Raleigh noise Ordinances must be followed. Violation may result in renter being asked to leave park property prior
to the end of the rental. No refund will be granted.
_______ Open Flame: No candles or open flame (sternos are allowed under chafing dishes only if disposed of off-site).
_______ Parking: Parking is allowed in designated areas only and is on a first-come, first-served basis.
_______ Payment: Payment in full is due at time of reservation, including all additional fees, except for ongoing rentals. Payments
may be made in the form of cash (exact change only), check, or credit card. All reservation fees made 30 days or less
must be made by cash, money order/cashier’s check or credit card. .
_______ Police: Off-duty police officers will be required for certain rentals at the renters’ cost.
_______ Portable Tents, Shade Structures, and Canopies: All tents will be equipped at a minimum with appropriate tie downs (not
staked). All tents will have the following: 5lb (A-2, BC-10) fire extinguishers (mounted) and “No Smoking” signs. There are
additional requirements that shall apply based on size, type and location of larger tents.
_______ Professional Caterer: Events that will utilize a professional caterer will require a Catering Permit to be completed by the
caterer. There is no charge for this permit. Once the caterer has completed the permit form, it is the responsibility of the
renter to submit the form to the respective park or community center office for approval at least 14 days prior to the event.
_______ Professional Photographer: If the purpose of your rental is to take professional photographs or to shoot video, then the
professional photographer you are using will need to have a PRCR photography permit. There is a charge for this permit
and it is good for one year.
_______ Public Events: These are events where attendance is not limited to invitation only or membership. An event is considered
public if it is being advertised through public media such as the Internet/Social media, TV or radio. A certificate of insurance is
required. Soliciting patrons is not permitted. Additional documentation may be required.
_______ Refund Policy: In the event the renter cancels, all rentals will follow the PRCR refund policy.
_______ Restrooms at Outdoor Spaces: Restroom access is not guaranteed for outdoor rental spaces (i.e. picnic shelters).
_______ Teen/Young Adult Parties: Renter must comply with all dance and young adult party regulations and requirements as
provided by PRCR.
_______ Mass Gath
ering Limits: Rental group size must comply with City of Raleigh established mass gathering limits at the date and
time of the rental.
_______ COVID-19 Gu
idelines: Renter must comply with all applicable guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
other federal, state, and local public health agencies to minimize spread and exposure of the COVID-19 virus.
I understand that I if I have provided any false information, my eve
nt may be canceled prior to or during the event at the discretion of
Facility staff and will result in the forfeiture of fees and deposits and denial of any current or future rental applications. I certify that I
have read, understand and will abide by all PRCR rules and regulations that pertain to my rental.
Signature: Date:
click to sign
click to edit
Upon receiving this form back, the Center Director or Assistant Director will contact you with any questions and prepare
a rental contract if the space is available for rent. In order to book, the contract must be returned before we can take
payment. Your rental is not secured until we receive your contract and payment is made.
Just a reminder on some areas we tend to get questions on:
To secure this rental, you must return the contract and make payment. We will hold the rental for 48 business
hours while we wait for the rental paperwork to be returned and payment made. After this period, the rental
will be released to the next renter who requests the room.
Any rental outside of regular hours of operation are dependent upon staff availability (this will be confirmed by
the Center Director or Assistant Director) before the final contract is prepared and payment is made) and
require an additional $20/hour supervision fee.
o Monday-Friday 7:00am-9:00pm
o Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm
o Sunday 1:00pm-6:00pm
The rented time is the only time you will have access to the room. Rented time will need to include your setup
and breakdown/cleanup. All sign in, food serving, and other activities will need to be limited to rented area. No
signage will be allowed outside of your rented space.
If you need access to the kitchen (refrigerator, oven, microwave), we will need to add this time to your rental for
the cost of $20 per hour for a minimum of 2 hours. Please include this time (above) it is needed for your rental.
Please be sure to keep us in the loop of any changes we need to be aware of. This allows us to ensure your event
goes as smoothly as possible on the day of your rental.
o Some examples of changes we need to be made are aware of include: catering, attendance numbers,
Please help us keep the building looking it’s best. No thumb tacks/tape should be used to hang items on our
walls/ceilings. Only free-standing decorations will be allowed. No glitter or confetti are allowed in the building.
All sterno must be disposed of off-site.
Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________
BRIER CREEK CC RENTAL COST WORKSHEET (to be filled out by renter)
Time Requested
From To # of hours Rate/Hour Total
A/B (extra-large) room ______ ______ ______ $75 ______
Art (large) room ______ ______ ______ $65 ______
Gym ______ ______ ______ $85 ______
Kitchen (warming only) ______ ______ ______ $25 ______
Shelter ______ ______ ______ $20 ______
Field ______ ______ ______ $35 ______
*Supervision Fee ______ ______ ______ $20 ______
(indoor only) Non-Refundable Damage/Security Deposit: $100
(indoor only) Application Fee: $15
TOTAL: ___ ___
*Required for before/after hours rentals