A. Business Name and NJ 10-digit ID number - List the Business Entity name as currently reflected on the State’s
public records system and the NJ 10-digit ID number.
B. Statutory Authority for Amendment - In accordance with the following table, state the statutory authority for
the amendment. Business entities seeking only to change registered office/agent may leave this blank.
Statutory Authority (NJSA
Business Entity Type Amendment By:Title) to Enter in Field B
Domestic Profit Corps. Incorporators 14A:9-1 et seq.
Domestic Non-Profit Corps. 15A:9-1 et seq.
Domestic Profit Corps. Shareholders 14A:9-2(4) & 14A:9-4(3)
Domestic Non-Profit Corps. Members or Trustees 15A:9-4
Foreign Profit Corp s. The Business Entity 14A:13-6
Foreign Non-Profit Corps. 15A:13-6
All Limited Liability Comp anies The Business Entity 42:2B
All Limited Partnership s The Business Entity 42:2A
All Limited Liability Partnership s The Business Entity 42
C-E. Amendment Details - List the Article being amended and the type of certificate being amended. Recite the details
of the amendment, including a new name change if applicable. Provide other provisions and an adoption date. The
“Other Provisions” field may not be used to indicate the adoption of an Alternate name. Form C-150G is used for
Alternate name registration.
If you are changing the corporate name, provide a designator that indicates the type of business entity--for
example: Inc, Corp., Corporation, Ltd., Co., or Company for a corporation; Limited Liability Company or L.L.C.
for a Limited Liability Company; Limited Partnership or L.P. for a Limited Partnership, Limited Liability
Partnership or L.L.P. for Limited Liability Partnership.
The Division of Revenue will add an appropriate designator if none is provided.
** Remember that the name must be distinguishable from other names on the State’s data base. The Division of
Revenue will check the proposed name for availability as part of the filing process. If desired, you can
reserve/register a name prior to submitting your filing. To obtain information about reservation/registration
services and fees, visit the Division's Web site at www.state.nj.us/njbgs/ or call (609) 292-9292 Monday-
Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
F. Certification of Consent/Voting - If applicable, pursuant to the statutes listed, provide the requested information
on consent/voting relative to the proposed amendment. MARK THE METHOD of consent or voting employed
to adopt the amendment, and where applicable, provide the requested details associated with the chosen method.
G. Change of Agent/Office - If you are changing the registered agent or office or both, provide the following
information as applicable:
1. New Registered Agent - Enter one agent only - the agent may be an individual or a corporation duly registered
and in good standing with the State Treasurer; and/or
2. New Registered Office - Provide a New Jersey street address. A Post Office Box may be used only if the street
address is listed as well.
H. Signatures for the Public Record - If a corporate amendment is being filed by the incorporators, then the
incorporators and only the incorporators may sign. For all other corporate amendments, the Chairman of the
Board, president or vice-president must sign. For Limited partnerships, at least one general partner must sign. For
all other entities, an authorized partner or representative must sign.
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