1515 North Saint Joseph Avenue
PO Box 8000
Marshfield, WI 54449-8000
1.800.472.2363 | 715.221.9555
TTY: 711
831-00057-03 (02/18) © 2014 – 2018 Security Health Plan of Wisconsin, Inc. Effective 6/2014
Date _______________________________________
Obesity Surgical Treatment
Prior Authorization Request
Member information
Member name (print) SMID Date of birth (month/day/year)
Provider information
Provider name (print) Telephone number Fax number
Place of service:
l Ambulatory Surgery Center l Hospital outpatient l Hospital inpatient
l Provider’s office l Other ________________________________________________________________________
Facility where services will be provided (include address if the provider provides services at more than one practice location)
Procedure information
Scheduled date of service (month/day/year) Requested service/procedure Procedure code(s)
Diagnosis Diagnosis code(s)
Answer all of the following questions.
Is this member’s request for bariatric surgery ..................................................l Yes l No
Is this member’s request for bariatric surgery revision .......................................... l Yes l No
Is this member’s request for repeat bariatric surgery ...........................................l Yes l No
Bariatric surgery
Member’s BMI _______________________________
Member is 18 years of age or older and has completed growth ..................................l Yes l No
Member has a BMI greater than or equal to 40 .................................................l Yes l No
Member is morbidly obese (BMI ≥ 35) .........................................................l Yes l No
Sleep apnea and has failed a CPAP/BiPAP. The CPAP/BiPAP records the number
of apnea and hypopnea events. The apnea hypopnea index (AHI) would need to be
of greater than 30 events ............................................................... l Yes l No
Coronary heart disease, as noted by as one of the following objective criteria:
exercise stress test; radionuclide stress test; pharmacologic stress test;
stress echocardiography; CT angiography; coronary angiography;
angioplasty with stenting; heart failure; prior myocardial infarction;
cardiopulmonary bypass; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ................. l Yes l No
Cardiopulmonary problems with either Pickwickian syndrome or
obesity-related cardiomyopathy ........................................................l Yes l No
Severe GERD that have failed medical/previous surgical management
(inadequate symptom control, severe regurgitation not controlled with acid suppression,
or mediation side effects) OR have complications of GERD
(e.g. Barrett’s esophagus, peptic stricture) ...............................................l Yes l No
831-00057-03 (02/18) © 2014 – 2018 Security Health Plan of Wisconsin, Inc. Effective 6/2014
• Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus while compliant with appropriate medications .........l Yes l No
• Poorly controlled hypertension while compliant with appropriate medications .............l Yes l No
• HgbA1c equal to or greater than 7 (minimum of 2 readings 3 months apart) ................l Yes l No
• While taking at least two oral medications OR taking insulin ..............................l Yes l No
• While taking at least two oral medications ...............................................l Yes l No
• Blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mm hg ...................................l Yes l No
Member has been free of illicit drug use and alcohol abuse or dependence
for the 6 months prior to surgery .............................................................l Yes l No
Member has been obese for at least 5 years ...................................................l Yes l No
Member has not had bariatric surgery before or there is clear evidence of
compliance with dietary modification and supervised exercise, including
appropriate lifestyle changes, for at least 2 years ..............................................l Yes l No
Member has been evaluated for adequacy of prior efforts to lose weight.
If there have been no or inadequate prior dietary efforts, the member must undergo
6 months of a medically-supervised weight reduction program .................................l Yes l No
Member has had a medical evaluation from the member’s primary care physician,
assessing preoperative condition and surgical risk and finding the member
to be an appropriate candidate ...............................................................l Yes l No
Member has received a preoperative evaluation by an experienced and knowledgeable
multi-disciplinary bariatric treatment team composed of health care providers
with medical, nutritional, and psychological experience:
A complete history and physical examination, specifically evaluating for
obesity-related comorbidities that would require preoperative management .................l Yes l No
Evaluation for any correctable endocrinopathy that might contribute to obesity ..............l Yes l No
Psychological or psychiatric evaluation to determine appropriateness for surgery ............l Yes l No
For members receiving active treatment for a psychiatric disorder, an evaluation
by his or her treatment provider prior to bariatric surgery. The treatment provider
must clear the member for bariatric surgery ...............................................l Yes l No
At least 3 consecutive months of participation in a weight management program prior to the
date of surgery, including dietary counseling, behavioral modification, and supervised exercise, in
order to improve surgical outcomes, reduce the potential for surgical complications, and establish
the candidate’s ability to comply with postoperative medical care and dietary restrictions.
Name of Program(s)
Start Date/End Date
of Program
Indicate Weight Gain or
Loss and Number of Pounds
Start date End date
____________ ____________
l Weight gain
l Weight loss
________ pounds
Start date End date
____________ ____________
l Weight gain
l Weight loss
________ pounds
Start date End date
____________ ____________
l Weight gain
l Weight loss
________ pounds
Start date End date
____________ ____________
l Weight gain
l Weight loss
________ pounds
Start date End date
____________ ____________
l Weight gain
l Weight loss
________ pounds
831-00057-03 (02/18) © 2014 – 2018 Security Health Plan of Wisconsin, Inc. Effective 6/2014
Mail or fax form to: Security Health Plan Marshfield Clinic providers route to:
Health Services Department Health Services Department
PO Box 8000 Routing location, SHP
Marshfield, WI 54449-8000
Fax 715-221-6616
Member has agreed to attend a medically-supervised postoperative weight management program
for a minimum of 6 months post surgery for the purpose of ongoing dietary, physical activity,
behavioral/psychological, and medical education and monitoring ...............................l Yes l No
Note: The following are NOT considered structured weight loss programs
(includes but it’s not limited to): Curves
, appointments with a registered dietitian,
unless it is in conjunction with an MD-supervised weight management program such as:
weight loss medications, Adkins Diet™, South Beach Diet
, and “fad“ diets in general.
Bariatric surgery revision
Removal of a gastric band is recommended by the member’s physician ..........................l Yes l No
Surgery to correct complications of a prior bariatric surgery for such issues as obstruction,
stricture, erosion, band slippage, or port or tubing malfunction .................................l Yes l No
Repeat bariatric surgery
Replacement of an adjustable band because there are complications
(e.g. port leakage or slippage) that cannot be corrected with band manipulation or adjustments ...l Yes l No
Conversion from an adjustable band to a sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,
or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch for a member who has been compliant
with a prescribed nutrition and exercise program following the band procedure but who has
complications that cannot be corrected with band manipulation, adjustments or replacement .....l Yes l No
By signing this form, the provider attests that the above information is accurate and documented in the medical
record. Security Health Plan may, at its discretion, request medical records to make a final coverage determination.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Provider signature Date
Pre-service decisions: Initial review is received and a coverage determination is made within fourteen (14)
calendar days of receipt of request. The member and/or provider are notified in writing of a denial decision
within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the request.
Urgent pre-service decisions: Initial review is received and a coverage determination is made within
seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of request.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-548-1224.
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