Please cooperate with us to implement these yard polices. They are in effect for your safety and for the protection of our environment.
Haul and Launch
• It will be the boat owner’s responsibility to open/close all seacocks. You must inform the marina (in writing) of the location of any underwater mechanisms (i.e. knotmeters) or assume responsibility if they are damaged during haulout.
• Access is required to the interior of all boats when hauled or launched. Combination locks are strongly recommended. If additional time is required to gain access, additional charges may apply.
• Drain plug removal and installation is the responsibility of the owner.
• All bills must be paid prior to launch.
• Owner must provide dock lines and fenders for launch. If dock lines are not on boat at launch, lines will be provided and charged to your account.
• Boats must be picked up by the Sunday after launch or transient wet storage rates will be assessed.
• If a boat leaks in the spring, any pumping and or additional checking by the yard will be charged on an hourly basis. If the boat has to be re-hauled, regular yard rates will apply.
• Boat stands may not be repositioned by anyone other than yard personnel. The stands will be repositioned, at the owner’s request, for a charge of $30.00.
• Prices are based on Overall Length of the boat including bow sprits, swim platforms, dinghies, and appendages.
• Sandblasting, spray painting, shrinkwrapping, or welding by boat owners is not permitted.
• Masts may not be climbed or unstepped while the vessel is on land. Sails may not be raised or opened on land. Masts can only be stepped or unstepped by a licensed and insured rigging company.
• Waste oil and antifreeze must be disposed of in the tanks provided by the marina.
• Disposal of Hazardous materials must be in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Discharge of contaminates within the Marina will result in charges related to clean up.
• Boat covers must not be fastened to boat stands. Any boat covers found tied to the stands will be retied at boat owners expense.
• Owners doing their own work are responsible for the cleanliness of their area. A minimum fee of one hour’s labor will be assessed if marina personnel are utilized to clean the area.
• Open air sanding, grinding, and scraping are prohibited. Only dustless systems may be used. Dustless systems are available for rent at the Marina Ofce. All scraping and grinding will have to be tented and a drop cloth placed under boats.
• Boats in dry storage cannot be left plugged into shore power while unattended. This is in accordance with Anne Arundel County Fire Code requirements.
• To help prevent res, all batteries must be disconnected or master switches turned off. No portable battery charges are to be used aboard any boat, and no portable heaters are to be used in the boat storage area. Owners are not permitted to burn
paint, run engines, light stoves or use ammable materials.
• Herrington Harbour North does not loan ladders or extension cords, and will not be responsible for owner’s ladders left in the yard. Owners must provide their own ladders and scaffolding as needed for access to their boats.
• Pets must be on a leash and are not allowed in the restrooms. Dogs will be admitted to Herrington Harbour only under leash and must not run loose on the grounds or other people’s boats. They must be toileted only in the dog walk areas.
• All outside contractors must report to the yard ofce with an acceptable Certicate of Insurance prior to commencing work on any vessel. Outside contractors must abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to their work in the yard and have a
signed Marina agreement on le in the ofce.
• A fee of $25.00 will be assessed for each check returned for in-sufcient funds.
• All charges shall be a lien against the “vessel”, her tackle, furniture, and not withstanding anything to the contrary, shall continue to be a lien until such obligation is fully paid. In the event your account is placed in the hands of an attorney for
collection or suit instituted to collect same or any portion thereof, the boat owner promises to pay all attorney’s fees due and owing any other costs incurred in the collection. If collection efforts are necessary, owner agrees to supply employer and
driver’s license information. If HHM determines a vessel to have little or no monetary value, they will notify the owner to either remove the vessel or pay a fee to dispose of the vessel within 30 days of notication. Failure to do so will result in third
party intervention.
• Bills will be mailed monthly, and are due when rendered. A service charge of 1 1/2 % per month (18% annually) will be added to balances 30 days past due. *credit card number required for all land storage customers. If account balance becomes
45 days late, the credit card on le will be used automatically. A security deposit may be required for boats of a certain age, ca. 1980.
• Due to the large number of boats being hauled/launched and delays due to weather, owners should not plan to be present during hauling/launching. While we cannot guarantee a certain day, we will make every attempt to haul/launch your boat
during the desired week providing you give us ample notice.
• Roller Furling Sails must be removed prior to haul out. If not removed, yard will have them removed at the owner’s expense.
• No structures may be built to enclose boat. Boat owners shall not construct or store any steps, lockers, chests, cabinets or similar structures, except with written approval of the Marina.
• Boat owners must keep the area around their boats clean or the yard will do so at the owner’s expense. Displayed “For Sale” signs are prohibited.
• Yard rates are subject to change without notice.
• Yard will not be responsible for power surges or liability of power and water.
• No Mobile Homes, Travel Trailers or RVs will be allowed in the marina.
• The yard reserves the right to relocate boats, as needed, to other storage areas in the yard.
• The storage customer (and guests for whom he is responsible) agrees to conduct himself at all times when on the property of Herrington Harbour, or any boat stored therein, so as to create no annoyance, hazard or nuisance to the Marina or other
customers. This involves the observance of good housekeeping and sanitation practices and the use of garbage receptacles. Noise shall be kept to a minimum at all times. Any noise that causes a disturbance to other customers, guests, or com-
munity residents must cease at 11 :00 pm. Abusive language is strictly prohibited, as Herrington Harbour is a family oriented facility.
• No charcoal res or open res of any kind are allowed within the connes of Herrington Harbour except where provided by the Marina.
• Young children should be accompanied by an adult at all times.
• No living aboard while the vessel is on land.
• In the event of a storm or hurricane, the Marina will attempt if practical and possible, to provide preparation and damage prevention service, the costs for which will be prorated over all the boats. However, the owner or his agent is still solely
responsible to make all emergency measures possible, and the Marina does not assume any responsibility for said protection and/or damages to the owner’s boat. The yard will not be responsible for re, theft, vandalism, wind or ice damage and
the owner agrees to hold the yard harmless in the event of such occurrences. We strongly recommend removing or locking of outdrives and outboards to prevent theft. These are prime targets for thieves.
• In the event of a breach by the Storage Customer of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Marina shall have the right, at its option and with ten (10) days written notice, to: accelerate all amounts due under the terms of this Agreement,
terminate this Agreement (which termination shall not extinguish the Marina’s right to the receipt of the full amount of storage and related charges due under this Agreement), require the removal of the vessel from the premises, and exercise all
such other rights and remedies as are set forth herein or as exist at law or in equity.
• In addition to all other amounts due hereunder, the Storage Customer agrees to pay all costs, fees and expenses (including attorney’s fees), which the Marina may incur in order to enforce any provisions of this Agreement. In addition to all other
rights and remedies hereunder, in the event the Storage Customer fails to pay when due any storage and related fees due under the terms of this Agreement, the Storage Customer agrees that the Marina shall have the right to assert and enforce
a lien against the vessel pursuant to Section16-101 et seq. of the Commercial Law Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, of 46 U.S.C. #31326 et seq. of the United States Code, as the case may be.
• The Signatory understands and agrees the Herrington Harbour Marinas assume no liability for any loss, damage or injury to Signatory’s boat or the Signatory, his family, invitees or servants. The Signatory and the Signatory’s vessel will indemnify
and hold harmless Herrington Harbour Marinas from any cost, expenses, damages, and against all claims, demands, and/or damage liability that may be asserted by anyone due to:
(a) Property loss of any type, property damage due to re, theft, collision, or property loss from any other cause to Signatory’s vessel, motors, sails, furniture, equipment, tackle or appurtenances, or to any other property contained in
or on Signatory’s vessel or on the premises of Herrington Harbour Marinas or to personal property of others on the vessel or Herrington Harbour Marina premises; and
(b) Any personal injury, death, or illness arising from the occupancy or use of Herrington Harbour Marinas premises or facilities, where such injury, or damage is caused, in any part regardless of how slight, by the acts or omissions
of the Signatory, his agents, servants, invitees or employees; and
(c) Any alleged damage or loss to marine property, non-marine property or personal injury caused in part, regardless of how slight, by the acts or omissions of the undersigned, his agents, servants, invitees or employees.
• When selecting services offered by independent contractors, you are asking to enter into a service contract with those companies in particular. Herrington Harbour collects and forwards these initial requests to the contractors. By providing this
administrative courtesy, Herrington Harbour is NOT making any representation as to scope, cost, quality or warranty pertaining to the work provided by the contractors. Further, Herrington Harbour disclaims any liability or losses arising out of such
service(s). Owner acknowledges that any action by HHN in facilitating services as rendered herein does NOT create any agency relationship, either implied or actual, joint venture or partnership between owner, HHN or contractor. You, in exchange
for the consideration of forwarding this request and further presents, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, agree to release, discharge, save and hold harmless HHN for any claims arising out of the services rendered herein without limita-
tion. All issues regarding scope, cost and schedule should be coordinated directly with the contractors you have chosen.
• The Signatory covenants and agrees that he has in full force and effect a marine insurance policy of a “named perils” or “all risks” type that fully insures the value of the vessel and property, and a third party liability policy, also known as a P & I
policy. A certicate of insurance on le with Herrington Harbour North ofce is required prior to haul out.
Rev 012420