Development Management.
Pre-Application Planning Advice Form
Please complete all sections using BLOCK CAPITALS. You may complete and
submit this form electronically or by hand.
Contact Name:
Contact Address:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Email Address:
Address of proposed development
Include postcode or grid reference if open land. If sales particulars or other relevant
details are available online, provide details.
Description of proposed development
Provide as much information as possible.
The following should be submitted to enable an assessment to be made
All dimensions/scales in metric.
Yes / No
Location plan (scale 1:1250 or 1:2500) with the site outlined in red.
Indicative drainage details (if relevant).
Indicative access details (if relevant).
Additional Information
All dimensions/scales in metric.
Yes / No
Photographs of the site.
Site layout plan (scale 1:500 or 1:200).
Sketches and/or elevations of the proposed development.
List any other submitted information, documents or plans which may aid
consideration of the proposal (if relevant).
I confirm that all information submitted in support of this advice request is, to the best
of my knowledge, true and accurate. I understand that any advice provided will be
based on the information available and the planning polices and site constraints
prevailing at the time, and any advice provided is without prejudice to any
subsequent decision made by the Council on receipt of any subsequent formal
planning application.
The form can be completed electronically. Please send completed forms, with all
accompanying information, documents or plans by email to If you have any queries regarding completion of this form
contact Development Management on 01856873535 extension 2504, between the
hours 09:00 to 10:00 and 16:00 to 17:00, Monday to Thursday, and ask for the ‘duty
Alternatively this form can be typed and printed, or printed and completed by hand.
Please post completed forms to Development Management, Development and
Infrastructure, Orkney Islands Council, School Place, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NY.