13. Environmental Assessment
Has the development been the subject of a screening and or scoping opinion under the Environmental Impact
Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999(as amended)? Yes No
If yes, please provide a copy of the screening and or scoping opinion
Was an Environmental Assessment required? Yes No
If yes, please submit the environmental statement along with the application
14. Pre-Application Discussion
Have you received any advice from the planning authority in relation to this proposal? Yes No
If yes, in what format was the advice given?
Meeting Telephone call Letter Email
Please indicate who you discussed this proposal with: name & date
15. Planning Service Employee/Elected Member Interest
Are you / the applicant / the applicant’s spouse or partner, a member of staff within the planning service or an
elected member of the Council? Yes No
Or, are you / the applicant / the applicant’s spouse or partner a close relative of a member of staff in the planning
service or elected member of the planning authority? Yes No
If you have answered yes please provide details:
16. Land Ownership Certificate (includes seabed)
(a) I hereby certify that 21 days before the date of the application: (tick one box only)
1 No person (other than the applicant) was the owner of any of the land, including the seabed, to
which the application relates, or an agricultural tenant.
2. The applicant does not own all the land involved, including the seabed, in the application site, but
has given a copy of the requisite notice under Regulation 15(1) to the owner(s) or agricultural tenants
of any of the application site.
They are:
Name of Owner
Address where notification sent
Date Notified
(b) I further certify that 21 days before the date of the application: (tick one box only)
1. None of the land formed part of an agricultural holding.
2. The applicant has given notice to every person who was a tenant of an agricultural holding, any part of which
formed part of the application site.
These persons are:
Name of tenant
Address where notification sent
Date Notified