Pre-Application Conference (January 2015) Page 1
Official Use Only:
File No.:
Pre-Application Conference
Dallas Planning Department
Development Code Type III/IV Review
A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE provides an opportunity to obtain feedback and comments from City
staff on preliminary development plans prior to the submission of a formal land use application. This
feedback early in the development process can help applicants avoid major plan revisions that are more
cumbersome to change after an actual application submittal. A pre-application conference also
provides the opportunity to discuss required land approvals, permits and the timelines for development
approval. A pre-application conference is required for all Type III and Type IV land use actions.
Please return a completed application form with attachments, and the required fee to the Dallas
Planning Department, Dallas City Hall, Second Floor, 187 SE Court Street, Dallas, Oregon 97338.
Section 1 Applicant Information
Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________ Phone Number: ___________________ Cell Number:_______________________
Section 2 Project Description
Please describe your project:
Site Address: __________________________________________________ Total Land Area: ____________________________
Assessor Map/Taxlot No. _______________________________________ Zoning: ____________________________________
Present Use of Property: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 3 Application Submittal Information
Please provide one electronic copy (pdf format preferred) and one paper copy of the following information:
maps, a site plan, and other applicable information for City staff to understand the proposed development.
Section 4 Application Review
You will be contacted to set up a time to meet with City Staff to discuss your proposed development.
Official Use Only:
Conference Scheduled: Date:___________________________________ Time:____________________________
Please note, due to the preliminary nature of information discussed during pre-application conferences, City
staff reserve the right to determine permitting requirements upon receipt of an official development
application. Information obtained during a pre-application conference is subject to subsequent changes in the
Comprehensive Plan, Development Code, and/or any other applicable regulations. A pre-application
conference does not ‘vest’ (lock in any fees or development requirements) a project in any way.