Site plan with the following information:
The proposed development site, including boundaries, dimensions, and gross area;
Features identified on the existing site conditions map that are proposed to remain on the
Features identified on the existing site map, if any, which are proposed to be removed or
modified by the development;
The location and dimensions of all proposed public and private streets, drives, rights-of-way,
and easements;
The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, utilities, pavement and
other improvements on the site. Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings
shall be provided on the site plan;
The location and dimensions of entrances and exits to the site for vehicular, pedestrian, and
bicycle access;
The location and dimensions of all parking and vehicle circulation areas (show striping for
parking stalls and wheel stops);
Pedestrian and bicycle circulation areas, including sidewalks, internal pathways, pathway
connections to adjacent properties, and any bicycle lanes or trails;
Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading and delivery;
Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating, street furniture, and
similar improvements;
Location, type, and height of outdoor lighting;
Location of mail boxes, if known;
Name and address of project designer, if applicable;
Locations of bus stops and other public or private transportation facilities;
Architectural drawings of all structures showing one or all of the following shall be required for
new commercial, commercial/residential, industrial and multifamily buildings, and major
remodels of the same:
Building elevations (as determined by the City Planning Official) with building height and
width dimensions;
Building materials, colors and type;
The name of the architect or designer;
Landscape plan showing the following:
The location and height of existing and proposed fences, buffering or screening materials;
The location of existing and proposed terraces, retaining walls, decks, patios, shelters, and
play areas;
The location, size, and species of the existing and proposed plant materials (at time of
Existing and proposed building and pavement outlines;
Specifications for soil at time of planting, irrigation if plantings are not drought-tolerant (may
be automatic or other approved method of irrigation) and anticipated planting schedule;
Other information as deemed appropriate by the City Planning Official. An arborist’s report
may be required for sites with mature trees that are protected under Chapter 3.2.
Landscape, Street Trees, Fences and Walls of this Code;
Traffic Impact Analysis when required, shall be prepared in accordance with the road authority’s
requirements. See Section 4.1.090, and Section 3.4.010 for relevant standards; and
Other information determined by the City Planning Official. The City may require studies or
exhibits prepared by qualified professionals to address specific site features or project impacts
(e.g., traffic, noise, environmental features, natural hazards, etc.), in conformance with the
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