City of Chamblee | Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 | Chamblee, GA 30341
770-986-5010 | |
Plat Review
ApprovalbyPlanning and
City of Chamblee | Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 | Chamblee, GA 30341
770-986-5010 | |
2. PlatReviewProcessFlowchart
3. PlatReviewApplication
4. PlatReviewRouteSheet
5. ExemptionPlatReviewChecklist
6. PlatReviewChecklist
7. DeKalbCountyGISReviewChecklist
1. Amend the zoning map
2. Variance and/or Waiver
3. Development of Community Impact (DCI)
4. Subdivide land
5. Any other application deemed necessary by staff
Application Submittal and Review Process:
A. Complete a Pre-Application Information Form that contains a detailed description of the request. Attach a
separate sheet if necessary.
B. Prepare Concept Plans and a Submit a PDF digital version that conveys the proposed project. These plans
may be conceptual in nature and do not need to be developed by a design professional. (Note: Individual PDF
files may not exceed 25 MB. Large files should be separated into individual PDF files not exceeding 25 MB.)
C. Submit the Pre-Application Instruction Form and Concept Plans to the Planning and Development
Department via email to The application and forms will be reviewed
within (2) two business days. Staff will contact the applicant to schedule the Pre-Application Meeting.
D. Attend the Pre-Application Meeting with the Planning and Development Department. Feedback about the
proposal, along with an overview of the application and review processes will be provided during this meeting.
E. Submit a Signed Copy of the Pre-Application Information Form with the formal application. When the
applicant is prepared to submit the full, complete application for the development activity or zoning process, a
copy of the Pre-Application form is required to be included in the submittal.
Complete Pre-Application Information Form
One PDF digital version of Concept Plans (Note: Individual PDF files may not exceed 25 MB. Large files should
be separated into individual PDF files not exceeding 25 MB.)
Rev 08/2020
City of Chamblee Planning & Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010
Projects That Require a Pre-Application Meeting:
This page must be completed by the Applicant.
Mailing Address Suite/Apt. # City, State Zip Code
_________________ _________________ _________________
Primary Phone # Alternate Phone # E-mail
Address of Project
Name of Project
Application Type (Amend Zoning Map, Development of Community Impact (DCI), Variance/Waiver, Subdivide Land, Other)
Total Project Acreage
Detailed Description (Include Proposed Use(s) and Square Footage of Floor Area for each use):
________________________________________________________ Date: ______ / ______ / ___________
Applicant Signature
NOTE: This form must be signed by staff and submitted with your application.
For Internal Use Only:
Pre-Application Meeting Date: _______________________
Staff Printed Name: _________________________ Signed: _________________________________
City of Chamblee Planning & Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010
click to sign
click to edit
Plat Review Process
Does your subdivision involve any of the following?
1. Street dedication;
2. Utility extensions;
3. Platted open space or common areas that are
not part of an individually owned lot;
4. Unbuildable lots; or
5. More than five lots.
Schedule a Pre-
Application meeting
and proceed to the
Final Plat Process.
Has your Preliminary Plat
been approved by the
Planning and Development
Final Plat Submittal
1. Application form.
2. Pre-Application Form (signed by staff).
3. Plat Route Sheet bottom portion to be completed by staff.
4. Digital copy of Final Plat.
5. Digital copies of all easements and ROW exhibits and deeds.
6. Plat Review Fees paid.
For developments requiring infrastructure
a. Performance Bond (incomplete roads, sidewalks,
b. Maintenance Bond (roads, sidewalks, landscape)60%
c. Stormwater Maintenance Agreement executed
(detention ponds).
i. Maintenance Bond (detention ponds)--
foot of storage.
d. Stormwater As-builts reviewed and approved by
Engineer (detention ponds).
Is this a
Preliminary Plat?
Preliminary Plat Submittal
1. Plat Application form.
2. Pre-Application Form (signed by staff).
3. Plat Route Sheet bottom portion to be
completed by staff.
4. Digital copy of Preliminary Plat.
5. Sketch Plan (multi-phase development).
6. Plat Review Fees.
(Max size for any single file is 50 MB)
Final Plat Approval
1. Once approved, submit one final PDF version for digital signatures, if
required. Plans will be signed electronically and returned to the
applicant electronically.
2. Once signed by the Planning and Development Director, applicant
shall record Final Plat with DeKalb Superior Court
. Required within 60 days of Development
Director approval.
3. Return an electronic copy of the recorded Plat (Max 50 MB).
4. Return electronic copy of recorded Stormwater Maintenance
Agreement (Max 50 MB).
5. Submit recorded Plat and mapping forms to DeKalb GIS.
External Plat Review
1. Applicant routes plans to external agencies as identified on Plat Route
2. Based on scope of project, applicant should take the following number
of plans to the following agencies:
a. DeKalb Fire - two sets (all plats).
b. DeKalb Water & Sewer two sets (all plats).
c. DeKalb County GIS electronic copy (all plats).
d. GDOT District 7 electronic copy (all sites affecting
access/ROW along State roads)Buford Highway, Clairmont
Road south of Buford Highway, and Peachtree Boulevard.
3. External reviews run concurrently with internal reviews.
4. Plat is not routed to Planning and Development Director for final
approval until approvals are received by all the required agencies.
Applicant is responsible for ensuring all approvals are submitted to the
Planning and Development Department.
Just ask. 770-986-5010 or
Pre-Application Meeting
Meeting required prior to
submitting any plat application
Internal Plat Review
1. Planning & Zoning: Andrew Russell,
2. Engineering: Mikala Weston,
3. Arborist: Mikala Weston,
4. Public Works: Heike Slinin,
5. First submittal review takes up to 10 business days. Resubmittal reviews take up to 5 business days
6. Comments are sent to applicant by Planning Coordinator in the Code Compliance Letter. Fire
Marshal comments will be included in the Code Compliance Letter.
7. Each City resubmittal requires that the applicant submit one digital PDF.
Planning and Development Director
Once all internal and external reviews are
completed, Plats are routed to the Planning
and Development Director for signature.
Is this an
exemption plat?
Will your project also
require a Land
Disturbance Permit?
Will your project also
require a Building Permit?
Proceed to the
Commercial or Residential
Building Permit Review
Your Plat Process is
Proceed to the Land Disturbance Permit
Review Process. Preliminary Plat valid
one year from approval. Apply for final
plat within 180 days.
Plat Application
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
Preliminary Plat Final Plat Exemption Plat
Job Address: City: State: Zip:
Project Name: Tax PIN #: Zoning District:
Use: Townhomes Commercial/retail Office Single Family Detached Home Multi-Family Development
Other ___________________________________________________
Type of Plat: Combination Re-parcel (altering lot lines; no new lots) Split (2 lots) Subdivision (3+ lots created)
Townhomes Addressing Plat Other: ___________________________________________
Scope of work:
Routing Information (Please check all that apply to your project. Responses determine how your project is routed. Incorrect or
incomplete information could result in delays to your plan review):
New lots New roads New tenant spaces or changes to addressing Work affecting sewer capacity
Owner (of Job Address):
Address: Address:
City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip:
Tel #: Tel #:
E-Mail: E-Mail:
Notice: No changes shall be made from that
which is stated in this application, or in attached plans and specifications, except by submitting a revised
application, plans and/or specifications and receiving approval of the land development manager Official for such change. Granting of a permit shall not
be construed as a permit for or an approval of any violation of the UDO or any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of
construction. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and the information provided is true and correct. I further certify that all
construction will comply with the current City and State Building Codes. This permit is void if no construction activity commences within six months of
issuance date or is work is not complete within two years of issuance.
I further agree that I shall be responsible from the date of this application, or from the time of the beginning of the first work, whichever shall be earlier,
for all injury or damage of any kind resulting from this work, whether from basic services or additional services, to person or property. I agree to
exonerate, indemnify and save harmless the city from and against all claims or actions, and all expenses incidental to the defense of any such claims,
litigation and actions, based upon or arising out of damage or injury (including death) to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with
any work performed under the building permit issued as a result of this application. I also agree to allow all inspections and right of entry per Section
120-2 of the UDO.
Signature of Applicant: __________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Signature of Property Owner: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Permit Number: _________________
Issued by City of Chamblee
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be filled out and submitted to the City of Chamblee PRIOR to any external agency reviews
and shall accompany all plans for review. Upon approval of all applicable external agencies, approvals are to be returned
to the City of Chamblee Development Department prior to permit.
Name of Development:
Site Address:
Parent Parcel ID:
Contact Name:
Phone No.:
Contact Email:
The following is to be completed by City staff
DeKalb County Watershed Management
330 West Ponce De Leon Avenue, 3
Floor Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 687-3599
DeKalb County Fire Marshal
330 West Ponce De Leon Avenue, 4
Floor Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 371-9256
DeKalb County Board of Health
445 Winn Way, Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 294-3762
DeKalb County GIS
330 West Ponce De Leon Avenue, 4
Floor Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 371-2257
Type of Review Requested (Check all that apply):
Land Disturbance Only (no platting)
Reparcel (altering lot lines; no new lots)
Split (2 lots)
Subdivision (3+ lots created)
Townhome Subdivision
Addressing Plat
Other: __________________________
For Internal Use Only:
Submittal Date: _______________________
Staff Printed Name: _________________________ Signed: _____________________________________
GDOT District 7
5025 New Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341
(770) 986-1011
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Development Departm
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102Chamblee, GA 30341 770-986-5010
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 3034
1 • 770-986-5010 •
Exemption Plat
Exemption plat requirements
For the purpose of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the types of activities contained in Section 300-21
shall be considered subdivisions, but exempt from the preliminary plat requirements of Article 3, Chapter 300,
except as noted. Each such subdivision shall be drawn in accordance with Final Plat standards in Section 300-24
of the UDO and submitted with the appropriate fees to the Development Department for review and approval.
Upon approval, the Development Director shall authorize the applicant to record the Exemption Plat with the Clerk
of Superior Court of DeKalb County and shall grant the issuance of building permits pursuant to the Codes and
Ordinances of the City.
The exemption plat shall be submitted at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, and shall be drawn to
include the entirety of the overall development and shall clearly identify those lots to be recorded, those lots
previously recorded, and the remainder of the development which shall be labeled “not included.” All easements,
dedications, etc., shall be shown as appropriate or as required. Each lot shall be consistent with the zoning
approved for the overall development and the applicable requirements of Title 2 of the UDO.
General Requirements
(1) Each proposed lot compiles with applicable requirements of Title 2 of the UDO.
(2) Each lot abuts an existing public street or previously approved private street.
(3) All project related slope and utility easements as well as necessary street right-of-way as
determined by the Department are provided at no cost to the City.
(4) Platted open space or common areas that are not a part of an individually owned lot are not
(5) Does not create any unbuildable lots.
(6) The entirety of the overall development is drawn on plat and clearly identifies those lots to be
recorded, those lots previously recorded and the remainder of the development which is labeled
“not included.”
(7) For minor residential subdivisions only (the division of a buildable lot of record into five or
fewer lots) – Approval of County Board of Health if occupied structures will be served by on-site
septic systems.
(8) For non-residential subdivisions only (lots for the purpose of sale within a nonresidential
development) – Each proposed lot shall comply with the requirements of the DeKalb County
Watershed Protection Division or the Environmental Health Department, as appropriate, whose
certification of approval shall be required prior to approval of the Exemption Plat by the City.
(9) Nonresidential project management only – The nonresidential development is a single multi-
phase or multi-use project under the unified control of a single developer, is zoned for such use or
development, and a Concept Plan for the entire project has been approved by the Director.
(10) Nonresidential project management only – The proposed subdivision is intended to transfer
title for financing or building management purposes and not for the sale of the property for future
development, and an affidavit to the fact signed by the owner is submitted with the plat.
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
(11) Nonresidential project management only – The proposed lot has been approved by the
Department to be provided permanent vehicular access established by easement or acceptable
covenant prior to or concurrently with recording of the Exemption Plat.
(12) Nonresidential project management only – The proposed lot must encompass a principal
structure which has been granted a land disturbance permit and which is under construction or
has been completed.
Basic survey requirements.
The plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in the state and shall
meet the requirements of the city and the county register of deeds office. The plat shall contain the
A caption shall be provided including the following information:
A title or name
The city, land district and lot, and subdivision, if property lies within a particular subdivision
The date of plat preparation and the date of the field survey
The scale, stated and shown graphically
The name, address, telephone number, and registration number of the land surveyor or the
statement that he or she is the county surveyor and is not required by law to be a registered
surveyor; and
All reproductions of original maps or plats shall bear the signature of the registrant placed across
the registration seal in order to be a valid or recordable map or plat. The provisions of this
subparagraph shall apply to all maps or plats that are sealed by a surveyor which depict and
describe real property boundaries. Maps and plats which do not meet the requirements of this
subparagraph shall not be sealed nor recorded by the clerk of the superior court.
The exact boundary of the tract of land being subdivided showing clearly the disposition of all
portions of the tract.
(3) North arrow and delineation.
(4) A vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision with respect to adjacent streets and
As built drawings and plans of all water, sewer, and storm drainage system facilities, illustrating
their layouts and connections to existing systems. Such plans shall show all easements and
rights-of-way, to demonstrate that the facilities are properly placed and the locations of all fire
hydrants, blow offs, manholes, pumps, force mains, and gate valves are indicated. This
information shall not be placed on the final plat but must be submitted at the time of request for
final plat approval or prior to certificate of occupancy/completion.
Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce accurately on the ground the location, bearing,
and length of every street, alley line, lot line, building line, easement line, and setback line. All
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
dimensions shall be measured to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot and all angles to the
nearest second.
The lines and names of all streets, alley lines, lot lines, lot and block numbers, lot addresses,
building setback lines, easements, reservations, common areas, open space, on-site demolition
landfills and other areas dedicated to public purpose with notes stating their purposes. All lots
subject to flooding shall be noted.
Compliance with the tree preservation ordinance of the city, Chapter 320 of this UDO.
The accurate locations and descriptions of all monuments, markers and control points.
The deed restrictions or any other similar covenants proposed for the subdivision, if any.
The subdivision, the name of the owner, the name, registration number, and seal of the registered
surveyor under whose supervision the plat was prepared, and the date of the plat.
Private street easements and maintenance agreements required in Subsection 350-3(b), if
applicable and payment in lieu of underground utilities improvements (Section 350-25) (if
In addition to all certification required by the county the following certification must also appear on
the final plat:
Certificate of Approval for Recording. I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has
been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Chamblee, Georgia, and that this plat
has been approved by the Chamblee Planning and Development Director for recording in the
office of the register of deeds of DeKalb County.
Planning and Development Director, Chamblee, Georgia
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
Indicate which is being reviewed: Preliminary Plat ____; Final Plat ____
Preliminary plat requirements.
The preliminary plat shall be submitted at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet. No certifications
other than the certificate of survey and accuracy must be provided in connection with the submission.
As per UDO Section 300-23, the preliminary subdivision plat must be drawn to the following specifications and
must contain or be accompanied by the information listed below. No processing or review of a preliminary plat
will proceed without all of the following information:
(1) The boundary, as determined by survey, of the area to be subdivided with all bearings and
distances shown and the location within the area, or contiguous to it, of any existing streets,
railroad lines, watercourses, easements or other significant features of the tract.
(2) Scale denoted both graphically and numerically with north arrow and declination.
(3) Complete construction plans, in accordance with the requirements in Section 300-34, as
applicable, prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the city and the appropriate
state agency.
(4) The location of proposed streets, alleys, easements, lots, parks or other open spaces,
reservations (i.e., school sites), property lines with street dimensions, tentative lot dimensions,
lot and block numbers, and the location of any building restriction areas, i.e., flood hazard
areas, watershed protection districts, wetlands. Site calculations shall include total acreage of
tract, acreage in parks and other nonresidential uses, total number and acreage of parcels, and
the total number of housing units.
(5) The proposed name of the subdivision, street names, the owners name and address, signature
of the owner or owner's duly authorized agent, the name of the surveyor, the names of
adjoining subdivisions or property owners, the name of the city, county, and state in which the
subdivision is located, the date of plat preparation, and the zoning classification of the tract to
be subdivided and of adjoining properties.
(6) Typical cross sections of proposed streets showing rights-of-way, pavement widths, grades,
and design engineering data for all corners and curves. Where a proposed street is an
extension of an existing street the profile of the street shall include 300 feet of the existing
roadway, with a cross section of the existing street. Where a proposed street within the
subdivision abuts a tract of land that adjoins the subdivision and where said street may be
expected to extend into said adjoining tract of land, the profile shall be extended to include 300
feet of the said adjoining tract.
(7) The location of any existing or proposed demolition landfills in the site. Such sites shall not be
used for building.
(8) A timetable for estimated project completion for each phase covered by the preliminary.
(9) The following wording must be shown on the preliminary plat:
ZONING COMPLIANCE REVIEW CHECKLIST: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. Page 2
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
"This preliminary plat has been submitted to and approved by the City of Chamblee, on this
____________ day of ____________ , ____________ ____________ .
By: ____________ ____________ (By Dir.)
(10) Any additional information deemed necessary by the Development Department to determine
compliance with ordinance standards.
In addition to the above required information, the following additional information may be necessary for unique
Original contours at intervals of not less than five feet for the entire area to be subdivided and
extending into adjoining property for a distance of 300 feet at all points where street rights-of-way
connect to the adjoining property.
Where a proposed water and sewer system does not contemplate the use of facilities owned and
operated by the city or a sanitary district, the proposed facility plans as approved by the
appropriate agency, shall be submitted with the preliminary application.
Final plat requirements.
The final plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in the state and must be
drawn to a scale no smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, and shall meet the requirements of the city and the
county register of deeds office. The final plat shall constitute all portions of the preliminary plat site which the
subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time.
As per UDO Section 300-24, no final plat shall be approved unless and until the subdivider has installed in that
area all improvements required by this appendix. The final plat shall contain the following:
A caption including the following information:
A title or name
The city, land district and lot, and subdivision, if property lies within a particular
The date of plat preparation and the date of the field survey
The scale, stated and shown graphically
The name, address, telephone number, and registration number of the land surveyor or
the statement that he or she is the county surveyor and is not required by law to be a
registered surveyor; and
All reproductions of original maps or plats shall bear the signature of the registrant placed
across the registration seal in order to be a valid or recordable map or plat. The
provisions of this subparagraph shall apply to all maps or plats that are sealed by a
surveyor which depict and describe real property boundaries. Maps and plats which do
ZONING COMPLIANCE REVIEW CHECKLIST: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. Page 3
Rev 10/14/19
City of Chamblee Planning and Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 •
not meet the requirements of this subparagraph shall not be sealed nor recorded by the
clerk of the superior court.
The exact boundary of the tract of land being subdivided showing clearly the disposition of all
portions of the tract.
North arrow and delineation.
A vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision with respect to adjacent streets and
As built drawings and plans of all water, sewer, and storm drainage system facilities, illustrating
their layouts and connections to existing systems. Such plans shall show all easements and
rights-of-way, to demonstrate that the facilities are properly placed and the locations of all fire
hydrants, blow offs, manholes, pumps, force mains, and gate valves are indicated. This
information shall not be placed on the final plat but must be submitted at the time of request for
final plat approval or release of any surety for required improvements, whichever comes later.
Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce accurately on the ground the location,
bearing, and length of every street, alley line, lot line, building line, easement line, and setback
line. All dimensions shall be measured to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot and all angles to
the nearest second.
The lines and names of all streets, alley lines, lot lines, lot and block numbers, lot addresses,
building setback lines, easements, reservations, on-site demolition landfills and areas dedicated
to public purpose with notes stating their purposes. All lots subject to flooding shall be noted.
Compliance with the tree preservation ordinance of the city, Chapter 320 of the UDO.
The accurate locations and descriptions of all monuments, markers, and control points.
The deed restrictions or any other similar covenants proposed for the subdivision, if any.
(11) The name of the township in which the subdivision is located, the name of the subdivision, the
name of the owner, the name, registration number, and seal of the registered surveyor under
whose supervision the plat was prepared, and the date of the plat.
Private street easements and maintenance agreements required in UDO Section 350-3(b), if
applicable and payment in lieu of underground utilities improvements (Section 350-25), if
In addition to all certification required by the county the following certification must also appear
on the final plat:
Certificate of Approval for Recording. I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown
hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Chamblee,
Georgia, and that this plat has been approved by the Chamblee Planning and
Development Director for recording in the office of the register of deeds of DeKalb
Planning and Development Director, Chamblee, Georgia
330 W. Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 600 Decatur, GA 30030 Phone: 404.371.2257 Fax: 404.371.3211
DeKalb County
Geographic Information Systems Department
PROJECT: ________________________________
GIS FILE LOCATOR/AP #: __________________
DATE: ___________________________________
The following items marked (X) need to be shown or addressed on site plan. GIS
review and is not limited to the following items; additional comments may be
provided as warranted.
1. ( ) Project name must be approved by GIS Addressing Coordinator
2. ( ) Street name(s) must be submitted for both private streets located in the
rear of Lots 1-5 & 6-8 for approval by GIS Addressing Coordinator
3. ( ) GIS will assign street addresses : Contact GIS for street addresses
4. ( ) Show names of adjoining property owner with deed book and page
numbers, parcel ID, and addresses: please cad all items onto plan set
5. ( ) Show North Arrow
6. ( ) Please add the Sheets Index of Drawings for:
( ) Existing Conditions Sheet
( ) Demolition Sheet (if applicable)
( ) Site Plan Sheet (include each parcel dimensions)
7. ( ) Label all open spaces as “common areas/open spaces”
8. ( ) Show name, address and phone number of developer on Sketch Plat and/or
9. ( ) Show name, address and phone number of owner on Sketch Plat and/or
10. ( ) DeKalb County Records show ownership in: City of Chamblee All
parcels must be in the same exact name prior to any map changes
11. ( ) Provide Site Plan for a residential combination/separation/re-parcel of
existing parcels. Site Plan Sheet should include the
330 W. Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 600 Decatur, GA 30030 Phone: 404.371.2257 Fax: 404.371.3211
( ) Please add coversheet to plans
( ) Show name, address and phone number of owner(s) on plat
( ) Show all parcel id number of existing parcel on Existing
Conditions Sheet
( ) Show dimensions and legal description(s) of proposed parcel
( ) Record plat after final stamped approval with original signatures.
12. ( ) Provide recorded digitized site plan on diskette to Development
Department; to the attention of Director, Stacy Grear. Diskette should be in
AutoCAD or Microstation platform (Subdivisions, Condos & Townhomes).
GIS prefers the digital file containing separate layers of the following:
Lot Boundaries, Right of Way Boundaries, Legal Lot/Unit #’s, Address #’s,
Street Centerline, & Dimensions
13. ( ) Provide a copy of the recorded plan to GIS Department. Note: GIS
Department must receive stamped/written approval plans from the designated
municipality. At that time, a combination/separation/Reparcel form will be
completed by customer. Note: If customer is not the owner of the parcel(s);
land owner must submit an Agent Authorization Form granting the
customer permission to serve as owner’s agent. Both GIS Mapping Form
and Agent Authorization must have original signatures.
14. ( ) If applicable, Complete Final/Commercial Plat Mapping Form when
requesting model homes. Provide brief description for model home, i.e. legal
lot number and the number of model homes requested.
15. ( ) Have Engineer to provide preliminary plat with addresses for each lot.
(Condos/Townhomes only)
Cassandra Odom
Cassandra Odom | Addressing Coordinator | Email:
DeKalb County | Geo
graphical Information Systems Department
Clark Harrison Bldg. | 330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave., 6
Fl | Decatur, GA 30030
Main: 404.371.2257 | Direct: 404.371.2914 | Fax: 404.371.3211
Always Gaining In Sight” – DeKalb County GIS - Web: