15 Planning your personal budget
Budget template
Weekly Monthly Yearly
Convert from yearly
(divide by 52 weeks)
Convert from yearly
(divide by 12 months)
Income, for example job and/or benefits
(1) Total income £ £ £
Regular costs
Expenditure Weekly Monthly Yearly
Regular costs, for example accommodation, food, bills, childcare
(2) Sub total £ £ £
16 Planning your personal budget
Other costs
Expenditure cont'd Weekly Monthly Yearly
One off costs
, for example buying a TV, fixing the car
(3) Sub total £ £ £
, for example car, train
(4) Sub total £ £ £
, for example cinema, gym
(5) Sub total £ £ £
Budget template (continued)
Weekly Monthly Yearly
Income (1)
Regular costs (2)
One off costs (3)
Travel (4)
Leisure (5)
Total expenditure (2+3+4+5) = 6 £ £ £
Balance (1) – (6)
If (6) is greater than (1), you need to think of ways to increase your income or reduce your expenditure.
17 Planning your personal budget
Budget template (continued)
Spending diary
Use this sheet to record your spending over the course of one week. Include any regular outgoings, for example mobile phone,
and any extra one-off items, for example buying a takeaway, clothes shopping. Writing down everything you spend for a few
weeks will really help you to understand your spending patterns and identify areas where you could save.
Item EWS* Mon Tue Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun Total
*Estimated Weekly Spend