University of West Florida
Health Education Program
Prospective Internship Site Profile
1. Location: _______________________________ Date Completed: _____________________
City State
2. Agency: __________________________________________________________________________
3. Agency mission/purpose: ____________________________________________________________
4. Agency website (if applies): __________________________________________________________
5. Contact: __________________________________________________________________________
6. Address: _______________________________________________________
Street/P.O. Box Suite#
City State Zip
7. Phone: (______) _______-_____________ 8. Email Address: ___________________________
9. ___Non-Paid ___Paid (amount) $_______________
10. Other benefits (i.e. housing, health insurance, travel reimbursement, etc.):______________________
11. What type of interns does your agency seek? ___Part-time ___Full-time ___Both
12. What semesters is your agency available to accept intern placements?
___Fall (August to December) ___Spring (January to April) ___Summer (May to August)
13. Please indicate the last semester in which a UWF Health Education intern was placed with your
organization (if applies):_____________________________
14. Office space available to intern? ___Yes ___No
15. Computer available to intern? ___Yes ___No
16. Normal working hours (please indicate any evening or weekend time commitments): ____________
___Very Flexible ___Somewhat Flexible ___Non-Flexible
Pensacola, FL
Pensacort, Inc.
Promote the benefits of physical activity and wellness to the
community, and to help our members reach their fitness goals.
Carnell Aurelio, Wellness Director
3001 Langley Ave.
Free membership while interning
Spring 2006
Flexible 9am - 2pm, weekend events from time to time
17. Required purchases (i.e. parking passes, uniform, etc.): ___________________________________
18. Required skills or previous experience needed: ___________________________________________
19. Description of intern duties (please include additional literature if desired): ____________________
20. Other important information about internship: __________________________________________
Please return to:
Melissa M. Howard, PhD, MPH, CHES
Assistant Professor, Health Education
Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514
Phone: (850) 473-7110 Fax: (850) 474-2106
Department Comments
To be completed by Health Science Education Internship Coordinator
Basic computer skills (Word, Powerpoint,
preferably excel)
Assist in Wellness
Department to plan and coordinate club events and wellness seminars, participate in
community outreach events (health fairs, off-site wellness seminars), assit with corporate
wellness accounts - on-stie seminars and screenings, track usage and promote participation.
Possibly help with our weight management program, community contacts and net working.
Can have the opportunity to present any type
of seminar to our members, can write wellness articles for our monthly club news letter. Fitness
experience or interest can help in our Fitness Department as well. Opportunity to work in our
'Studer Group' committees that were developed and implemented by the studer group which
helped Baptist Hospital so much.