17. Required purchases (i.e. parking passes, uniform, etc.): ___________________________________
18. Required skills or previous experience needed: ___________________________________________
19. Description of intern duties (please include additional literature if desired): ____________________
20. Other important information about internship: __________________________________________
Please return to:
Melissa M. Howard, PhD, MPH, CHES
Assistant Professor, Health Education
Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514
Phone: (850) 473-7110 Fax: (850) 474-2106
Department Comments
To be completed by Health Education Internship Coordinator
Organizational and public speaking skills a plus.
attend local health fairs, attend community meetings related to health education, assist health
education staff with chronic disease prevention or injury prevention projects, participate in
training opportunities of interst to intern. Intern is also expected to do minimal filing and
organizational tasks related to health education functions.
Internship offers a variety of training and
participatory activities. Background screening required prior to beginning internship duties.