Rev. 11.15.19
Pediatric Care Management Referral Form
For children aged 0-3 years, refer directly to CDSA if concern is prima
rily developmental
Referral & Patient Information
Referral Date: Referral Source/Agency:
Referral Name: Referral Phone:
Referral Title: Referral Fax:
Patient Name: DOB:
Patient Social Security Number:
Parent/Guardian informed of referral:
Physical Address: County:
Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Phone:
Primary languages: English Spanish Other _____________ Needs interpreter: Yes No
Please include a current list of medications to help us provide
more complete services.
No medications
Referrals for children aged 0-5 years
Please consider referring to the CMARC (Care Management for At Risk Children)/C4CC (Care Coordination for
Children) program at the health department. A referral form can be found here:
Referrals for children aged 5-20 years*
Medicaid ID: Transportation needs: Child in foster care program
Behavioral health concerns: Asthma: Diabetes:
Child exposed
to toxic stress
(please specify):
Current domestic/family violence
Homeless/living in shelter
Parental rights terminated in past
Health/safety needs
Unsafe/unstable environment
Parent/Guardian with substance
abuse/mental health condition
Child w/ special health care needs chronic (>12 mos.) physical/behavioral/emotional condition (please specify):
CPS/Foster care involved; if yes, Phone: Needs medical home
Repetitive use of ED services/multiple hospitalizations Pharmacy/medication needs:
Other (please specify):
*Must have Community Care of North Carolina/Carolina ACCESS (CCNC/CA) or NC Health Choice
ase fax completed form to 1-833-282-0884. If you have questions about your referral,
call 1-877-566-0943 or visit CCNC’s website at