Introduction to Sports Nutrition
Food for Thought 1.1: Scope of Practice
Reflect on a recent situation when you provided nutrition advice to another individual and defend whether it was within
your scope of practice.
Food for Thought 1.2: Reading Food Labels
Directions: Go to your local grocery store and buy a can of Campbell’s Chunky Soup. Using a sharp knife, slice downward
along the right edge of the Nutrition Facts panel so that you can peel the entire label off of the can without damaging it.
Answer each of the following questions. For questions a–e below, circle the location of where you found the information
on the label using a permanent marker. Staple the label to the worksheet.
a. What is the net weight of the contents?
b. Which three ingredients in the soup are most abundant based on weight?
c. Where is the Campbell Soup Company located?
d. How many servings are in the can?
e. How many grams of protein are provided per serving?
f. How many grams of carbohydrates are provided in the entire can?
g. How many grams of trans fats are in one serving of the soup?
h. What is the total amount of sodium in the entire can?
© denizya/Shutterstock
i. If you consumed the entire can for a meal, would you consider the sodium content to be high? Explain why or
Food for Thought 1.3: You Are the Nutrition Coach
Please read each case study listed below and answer the associated questions.
1. During a presentation to a group of high school football players and coaches, you mention that the MyPlate website
is an excellent resource for athletes. One of the assistant coaches interjects and states that the MyPlate food guid-
ance system is too basic and not applicable for the needs of teenage football players.
Question: How would you respond to this comment?
2. Kelly is a 35-year-old lawyer. She has been exercising regularly for 2 years. She schedules an appointment with you
to discuss quick and easy meal planning ideas. Kelly works 50 hours per week, commutes 60 minutes roundtrip,
and exercises 1 to 2 hours daily. She complains that she is too tired to cook a meal when she arrives at home, and
therefore, typically microwaves a pizza, burrito, or veggie burger for dinner. Currently, she is consuming only 1 to
2servings of fruits and vegetables per day because “they take too long to prepare.
Question: Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, what recommendations would you provide to Kelly?
3. During your initial consultation with a client, you inquire about his fruit preferences. He replies that he enjoys fresh,
canned, and dried fruits, but avoids juices because “they have too much sugar.
Question: How would you respond to this comment? Include in your answer, suggestions for interpreting the nutri-
tion information provided on a container of fruit juice.
490 Chapter 1 Introduction to Sports Nutrition
Crossword Puzzle
4 5
10 11
12 13
14 15
17 18
21 22 23
1. less than 0.5 g of fat per serving (2 words)
3. the “E” in EAR
5. food safety agency (abbrev.)
7. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
9. newer, expanded version of RDA (abbrev.)
nutrients that cannot be made by the body
11. composed of amino acids
17. a type of claim found on food labels
this is used when an RDA has not been established (abbrev.)
23. prefix used to describe nutrients, like vitamins and minerals
2. a skill that sports nutrition professionals must develop and practice
4. most abundant, non-energy yielding nutrient in the body
6. nutrient category with the highest energy density
7. sodium, iodine, calcium, and phosphorus, to name a few
8. one micronutrient required to appear on food labels
. developing a good sport nutrition plan starts with this (2 words)
. overseer of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (abbrev.)
. the food guidance system replaced by MyPlate
. food label ingredients are listed in order based on this
. the Dietary Guidelines for Americans also recommends this
(2 words)
. the body’s direct source of energy (abbrev.)
. the Nutrition Facts panel information on food labels is based on this
(2 words)
. congressional legislation that requires food labeling (abbrev.)
. intakes above this increase risk for toxicity (abbrev.)
. these exist in water and fat soluble forms
25. specialty area in nutrition for active individuals and athletes
Chapter 1 Crossword Puzzle 491