Nebraska FFA Association Event Rules Revised September 2020
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Parliamentary Procedure
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of parliamentary procedure in order to
conduct an orderly and efficient meeting; and transact business and present logical, realistic,
and convincing discussion.
A. Rules and Regulations
1. This event is open to all FFA members in good standing who are regularly enrolled at or
above the ninth grade level in an agricultural education course during one or both
semesters of the current school year. Members of a state winning team in the
Parliamentary Procedure event and those who have competed at the national level are
ineligible to compete again on the district or state levels of the Senior Parliamentary
Procedure Leadership Development Event (LDE).
2. Each district will determine the number of teams per school allowed to compete at the
district level. Each district may send the top two teams, with up to two additional teams
identified as alternates, to the state level of competition regardless of ribbon color
awarded at the district level.
3. A Senior Parliamentary Procedure participant may not compete in Conduct of Chapter
Meetings or Agricultural Demonstration, and may compete in no more than one
individual (non-team) Leadership Development Event in the same year in which they
participate in Parliamentary Procedure.
4. A team will consist of six members. Only the president and secretary will be officially
recognized as chapter officers with officer stations. The balance of participants may
serve in officer capacities or as individual members of the assembly.
Use of pedigrees is NOT required. No point changes will result from use or lack of use of
pedigrees. Emphasis should be placed on high quality debate and discussion. Teams
are encouraged to not use pedigrees.
If the ability Take from the Table, Rescind, Reconsider, or Call for Orders of the day are
used, a scenario will be provided.
The president WILL BE allowed to use paper and pen/pencil to take notes during the
demonstration. No point changes will result from use or lack of use of paper by the chair.
5. The event will have three phases at the district level:
A. A written examination
B. An eleven-minute team presentation of parliamentary procedure
C. Verbal questions following the presentation
At the state level, a fourth phase shall be added for teams qualifying for the final round
of competition. The fourth phase shall be the team problem. District events will not have
the team problem, and those teams qualifying for the national level of competition must
be prepared for the five phases included in the national event.
6. All participants must appear in FFA official dress.
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7. Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the official parliamentary law authority.
8. A holding room will be used for this event. Each district event will have teams complete
the same motion and abilities. No team will be allowed to watch demonstrations prior to
their assigned performance time. No teams, FFA members, advisors or coaches will be
allowed to communicate with a Parliamentary Procedure team prior to their
demonstration. At the state event, a holding room will also be used. Each preliminary
round will have teams complete the same motion and abilities in that section. The finals
round will have a different set of motions and abilities for all teams to demonstrate. No
study materials shall be present in the holding room prior to all participants completing
the test. Study materials may be utilized in the holding room once all participants have
completed testing.
9. All team members must turn in their all electronic devices with communication
capabilities (cell phones, Apple watches, tablets, etc.) to event coordinators prior to
entering the holding room. The local advisor or another responsible adult must provide
the cell phones to the event coordinator, and the cell phones may be retrieved upon
completion of all event components by all team members.
10. A time clock will be provided so that the team can see and refer to it. After the one
minute allowed to review the ability cards the clock will restart when the president taps
the gavel twice to begin the demonstration. The time will stop when the president states,
“This concludes our demonstration”. The demonstration is limited to 11 minutes in length.
Deductions of 2 points per second will be enforced after 11 minutes.
11. No video recording will be allowed in the performance room in order to maintain the
integrity of the event.
B. Suggested Guide for Conducting District FFA Parliamentary Procedure Leadership
Development Event
Prior to the Event
1. The order of appearance to be used shall be determined in advance of the event.
Advisors submitting a team or teams to the district entry shall provide to the district FFA
board representative a list of the names of students participating on said team.
2. Provide the following to each evaluator:
a. Senior Parliamentary Procedure Rules (this document)
b. Scoring Rubric one per team
c. Official Score Card/Results Sheet
d. Order of Appearance Roster
e. Deductions for Parliamentary Procedure Errors (National FFA Resource)
3. Teams will complete the required parliamentary law exam prior to their demonstration.
(Teams listed at the top of the order of appearance may complete their exam following
their demonstration for the purpose of maximizing the event schedule.)
4. The room is to be arranged as outlined.
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SCENARIO: At the September chapter meeting the motion to “pay for two chapter members to
attend the Washington Leadership Conference” was postponed and made a Special
Order for 2:00 pm during the October meeting.
MAIN MOTION: I move that our chapter build picnic tables for the city park.
Commit (Refer to Committee) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………… . ....................... . Subsidiary
Postpone Indefinitely . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………...…. Subsidiary
Point of Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……. . . . . …………….. . . . Incidental
Division of the Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………… . Incidental
Call for the Orders of the Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………….... . . Privileged
Start the Event
1. Blank paper and pen/pencil must be at the secretary station. Blank paper and pen/
pencil will also be at the president station.
2. Each team member will receive a card with the assigned main motion and abilities
provide by Nebraska FFA state office. Each team will have two subsidiary, two incidental
and one privileged or a motion which brings an item back before the assembly from the
list of permissible motions. The assigned main motion is to be the first item of business
presented, unless, Take From The Table, Reconsider, or Rescind are required on the event
card. If any of these motions are on the event card the team may choose to
demonstrate the motion at the beginning of their demonstration, using the scenario
motion provided for those motions, or at the end of the demonstration after they have
disposed of the original main motion. A scenario will be placed at the top of the card if
orders of the day, take from the table, reconsider, or rescind are required motions. All
teams in each section will be assigned the same motions.
Sample CardCall for Orders of the Day
Sample CardReconsider
SCENARIO: Earlier in the meeting a motion to require FFA officer candidates to have
a 3.0 grade point average was introduced and adopted. Move to reconsider
this motion that was adopted earlier in the meeting.
MAIN MOTION: I move that our chapter initiate a Teach Ag Campaign to promote
agricultural education as a career option to FFA members.
Postpone Definitely………………………………………..……..……………………Subsidiary
Suspend the Rules………………………………………………...……………………..Incidental
Point of Order…………………………….………………………….…………………….Incidental
Reconsider………………………....Motion Which Brings A Question Again Before the Assembly
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Sample Card Take from the Table
Sample Card Rescind
3. Team members may not write on the cards. Team members shall be informed by the
judges that the motion they are to move is the one that is bolded on their card.
4. The team shall be provided one minute to look at the card and collect their thoughts.
Members may not confer during the one-minute time period. At the conclusion of this
minute, judges shall simply say "please begin."
5. The team shall assume that a regular chapter meeting is in progress. After the one
minute allowed to review the ability cards the clock will restart when the president taps
the gavel twice to begin the demonstration. The time will stop when the president states,
“This concludes our demonstration. The demonstration is limited to 11 minutes in length.
SCENARIO: At the last meeting a motion to require FFA officer candidates to have a
3.0 grade point average was introduced and laid on the table. Move to
take this motion from the table.
MAIN MOTION: I move that our chapter initiate a Teach Ag Campaign to promote
agricultural education as a career option to FFA members.
Postpone Definitely………………………………………..……………………....…..Subsidiary
Suspend the Rules………………………………………………...………………………..Incidental
Point of Order…………………………….………………………………………….…….Incidental
Take from the Table.…………….....Motion Which Brings A Question Again Before the Assembly
SCENARIO: At the last meeting, a motion to require FFA officer candidates to have a
3.0 grade point average was introduced and adopted. Move to rescind this
motion that was adopted at your last meeting.
MAIN MOTION: I move that our chapter initiate a Teach Ag Campaign to promote
agricultural education as a career option to FFA members.
Postpone Definitely………………………………………..……..……………………Subsidiary
Suspend the Rules………………………………………………...……………………..Incidental
Point of Order…………………………….………………………….…………………….Incidental
Rescind……………………..……....Motion Which Brings A Question Again Before the Assembly
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6. The team is allowed 11 minutes to complete their demonstration. Deductions of 2 points
per second will be enforced after 11 minutes.
7. The team will use ONE main motion. There shall be no limitation to the number of
subsidiary, incidental, privileged or a motion which brings an item back before the
assembly demonstrated except that the team must demonstrate the two subsidiary, two
incidental and one privileged or a motion which brings an item back before the
assembly designated on the card. The team will earn a 50-point deduction for the use of
more than one main motion.
8. If the event officials designate Call for the Orders of the Day as a motion to be
demonstrated, teams are to assume that a motion was postponed at the last meeting
and made a special order for a time during the current demonstration (see the sample
card above).
9. If the team is to perform rescind, reconsider or take from the table, teams can assume
that they would rescind an action taken, which cannot be reconsidered, or take from
the table a motion or reconsider a motion they completed earlier in the present meeting.
Example: “I move to rescind the motion that was passed at our last meeting about
having an FFA hayride.”
These motions shall not be used unless they are a required motion. These motions will be
provided as a scenario on the card (see the sample card above).
10. A member’s required motion will not be counted as an additional motion for another
member. The person who makes the assigned main motion will be given credit for an
additional motion (20 points). Credit for an additional motion will only be given one time.
Example: Division of the Assembly can only be used once for credit. Credit for an
additional motion will not be granted to an additional member moving Division of the
Assembly if another member has already moved it or if another member is required to
move it as designated on the motions card.
11. At the conclusion of the demonstration, the evaluators will ask each team member a
question. These questions should be related to their motion and how it was transacted
during the demonstration. Questions will be provided for the judges to ask.
The evaluators should decide among themselves who will ask the question. That
evaluator should ask the team member to rise, face the evaluators and answer the
question. The president is also asked a question concerning how the business was
Following the six individual questions, the team shall exit the demonstration room. No
additional questions may be asked by the evaluators.
12. Teams advancing to the state final round will complete a team problem solving activity
and additional demonstration to the previously completed written exam and
demonstration. Teams will be provided a short parliamentary procedure scenario
outlining a practical problem. The team will have 30 minutes to research the problem
and write a short solution with reference to specific pages and line numbers in Robert’s
Rules of Order, Newly Revised. One book will be provided by the Nebraska FFA
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Association to each qualifying team, additional copies may be brought by qualifying
After the Event
1. Each evaluator shall total each team’s score and arrive at the placing using the
provided rubric. Discussion between evaluators is allowed and encouraged. Audience
members and participants shall not be present during evaluator discussion.
2. Ribbons may be awarded according to the guidelines on the results sheets. The top four
teams shall be ranked, regardless of their ribbon assignment, and up to two teams
regardless of ribbon rating at the district level may advance to the state round of
competition. Advancing demonstrations are to be of high quality.
3. A critique sheet shall be completed for each team.
4. Two copies of the results should be completed on the sheets provided.
5. District FFA board representatives must verify membership of all members of the state-
qualifying teams within one week of the district event.
Event Attire
1. Each participant shall wear the official FFA dress as defined in the FFA Manual: A white
collared shirt or blouse, official FFA tie or scarf, black trousers or skirt, black shoes, and FFA
2. Points may be deducted for variance from official dress. This is a team event and
uniformity of dress by team members may have an effect on the score granted in the
general appearance division of the scorecard.
C. Components/Scorecard
1. Written Exam (100 points)An exam containing 25 objective-type multiple choice questions
covering basic parliamentary procedure as related to the permissible motions of the event
and pertaining to minutes. Thirty minutes will be allowed to complete the exam. Each
participant may score a maximum of 100 points. The average score of the six team
members will be used to compute the total team score. Any communication between
participants from the same team during the written examination portion of the event will be
sufficient cause to eliminate the team. Any participant caught cheating during the event
will be, along with his or her team members, expelled from the event.
2. Presentation (500 points)Each team will address typical issues and chapter business. The
Nebraska FFA state staff will select two subsidiary, two incidental, and one privileged or
unclassified motion from the list of permissible motions. These motions will be randomly
assigned to each team member other than the chair. The team shall assume that a regular
chapter meeting is in progress and the chair shall start the demonstration by saying, "Is there
any further business that should be presented at this time?"
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The team will use ONE main motion.
A team shall be allowed a maximum of 11 minutes in which to demonstrate its knowledge of
parliamentary law without penalty. A deduction of 2 points will be made for every second
over 11 minutes. A timekeeper will provide a warning at 11 minutes. The timekeeper will
furnish the time used by each team at the close of the Leadership Development Event.
Upon entering the presentation room and taking their seats, the contestants will have one
minute to review the topic, the main motion, the motions to be demonstrated; and to
identify his or her motion (which will be noted by bolding). (An example follows; this example
will apply when call for the orders of the day, rescind, reconsider or take from the table are
not being used.)
3. Verbal Questions (100 points)Each of the six team members will be asked a planned,
written question relating to their assigned motion. No additional time for additional questions
shall be permitted. The chair’s question will be general to parliamentary procedure since
they will not be assigned a motion for the purpose of the demonstration.
4. Team Problem Solving (50 points) -- Teams advancing to the state final round will complete a
team problem solving activity in lieu of minutes. A possible score of 50 points will be allowed
for the team problem solving. Teams will be provided a short parliamentary procedure
scenario outlining a practical problem. The team will have 30 minutes to research the
problem and write a short solution with reference to specific page and line numbers in
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. One book will be provided per team by the Nebraska
FFA Association, additional copies may be brought by qualifying teams. The answers will be
written on paper provided. The lowest possible score for this section is zero (0). Evaluators
shall use Form 2 to score the team problem solving activity.
5. TiebreakersTie breakers for teams will be:
a. the total presentation score, then
b. the team's average score on the written exam, then
c the total score for questions
6. ScoringThe evaluators will use Form 1 to score the Leadership Development Event.
7. Guidelines for Scoring the Chair
a. Ability to presidehandling of motions, keeping members informed, use of the gavel,
distribution of discussion. (65 points)
MAIN MOTION: Conduct leadership development workshop for junior
high FFA members.
Lay on the Table……………………………………………………Subsidiary
Suspend the Rules…………………………………….…………....Incidental
Point of Order…………………………………………….………Incidental
Question of Privilege……………………………………………….Privileged
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b. Leadershipstage presence, poise, self-confidence, politeness, and voice. (15 points)
8. Guidelines for Scoring Discussion
a. Characteristics of effective discussion include
completeness of thought,
logical reasoning,
clear statement of speaker's position,
conviction of delivery, and
concise and effective statement of discussion.
b. A suggested scoring scale is as follows:
Excellent 15-20 points
Good 10-14 points
Average 5-9 points
Poor 0-4 points
An excellent discussion would be extremely unusual and would be characterized by a truly
stirring delivery and brilliant in terms of information provided and/or suggestions for action
Poor discussion would be characterized by a lack of effective delivery, poor grammar,
reasoning, and substance. An example might be: "I think this is a good idea."
Most discussion would fall in the range of an average score (8-15 points). An example of an
average discussion might be: "I think this is a very significant motion which should be passed
for the following reasons (new, informative, and logically related). For these reasons, I urge
everyone to vote for this motion."
Good discussion would be characterized by effective delivery, substance, creative, and
visionary thought delivered in a convincing and compelling manner.
Each time a contestant in the presentation discusses any motion, they may earn a score.
However, an individual may never earn more than 60 points in a given presentation. An
individual earning 20 points on each motion discussed would need to have been recognized
by the chair three separate times to earn the maximum points.
D. Awards Recognition
1. District Awards: Participants meriting awards shall be rated as purple, blue, red, or white
and the top four participants shall by ranked by number (1
, 2
, 3
, 4
). Each district
may send the top two teams, with up to two additional teams identified as alternates, to
the state competition regardless of ribbon color awarded at the district level.
2. State Awards: Teams in the state event will be designated as gold, silver, or bronze
plaque recipients. The state winner will represent Nebraska in the national-level
Parliamentary Procedure Leadership Development Event.
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Sample Team Problem Solving Activity
This following is a sample team problem similar to what a team might be asked to solve during
the team portion of the Nebraska State FFA Parliamentary Procedure LSE.
The Lakeville FFA Chapter is facing a parliamentary problem and needs advice. At its last
meeting of the school year, the chapter planned to hold officer elections. The chapter
president, Jason, was presiding at the elections meeting. The chapter vice president, Elizabeth
will be a senior next year and decided to devote more of her time to career development
events than to serving as a chapter officer. Elizabeth gave the nominating committee’s report
at the meeting. The nominating committee nominated Lisa for chapter president. No other
nominees were offered and Lisa was elected by a voice vote. The nominating committee
nominated David for vice president. Another member nominated Claire for vice president from
the floor. Jason, the president, asked both David and Claire if they objected to taking the vote
by voice. Neither objected and Jason took the vote by voice. Claire was the clear winner of
the election and Jason declared Claire elected vice president. All other nominees suggested
by the nominating committee were unopposed and were each elected by voice vote. At the
conclusion of the election, Jason Passed the gavel to Lisa, who declared the meeting
adjourned. The next chapter meeting will take place when school resumes in the fall.
One week after the election, Lisa held the first meeting of the new officer team. She arrived at
the meeting noticeably upset, and as soon as the meeting began Lisa announced that her
father had taken a new job in a neighboring state, and she and her family would be moving
away from Lakeville immediately. Lisa handed each officer a copy of her resignation as
president and then handed a copy to the chapter advisor. To make matters worse, each officer
had been instructed to bring copies of their last two report cards to the meeting so that the
chapter advisor could verity the grade point average for each officer. All the officers had
grade point averages above 3.0 except Clair, whose last two grade cards indicated a grade
point average of 2.35.
The new officer team was clearly disappointed that Lisa would be leaving, and the remainder of
the meeting became more of a farewell party for Lisa than an actual meeting. When the group
left the meeting later that afternoon, the chapter advisor wished all the officers well and
indicated that she would call another meeting for later in the summer. Several questions were
lingering on her mind, however, and she has called your team for help.
1. Who is the president of the Lakeville FFA Chapter?
2. What must be done now to complete the Lakeville FFA chapter officer team?
3. Was the election for vice president conducted properly?
The chapter bylaws only discuss chapter officers in Article IV. That article from the chapter
bylaws appears below. The chapter’s parliamentary authority is Robert’s Rules of Order Newly
Revised (11
Edition). Please provide the Lakeville FFA chapter advisor with an answer to her
question, including appropriate citations, based on the chapter bylaws and the chapter’s
parliamentary authority.
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Article IV Officers
Section 1The officers of the chapter shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer,
reporter, and sergeant-at-arms. All officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their
successors are elected.
Section 2The president shall be a senior and must have been a chapter member for at least
two full years prior to election. All other officers must have been a chapter member for at least
one full year prior to election.
Section 3Any vacancy in any office other than that of president shall be filled by the other
officers of the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 4All elections shall be held by ballot, except in cases where only one nominee has
been made, in which case a voice vote may be taken.
Section 5All officers shall have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 at the time of their
election and shall maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average throughout their term of office.
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Sample Team Problem Solving Answer
1. Who is president of the Lakeville FFA Chapter?
Elizabeth is president of the chapter. When Lisa was elected chapter president, Jason’s
term as president ended and Lisa became the duly elected president. Lisa’s resignation
means that the office of president would immediately be filled by the vice president.
(RONR p. 452, lines 11-18) Claire was apparently elected vice president, but review of her
grade point average after the election revealed that she was ineligible to be elected.
(Article IV, Section 5.) The election for vice president actually never happened since
Claire was ineligible at the time of the vote, so the election for vice president remains
incomplete. (RONR p. 445, lines 19-22)
Because Elizabeth was serving as vice president at the time of the election, and because
her term of office does not expire until her successor is elected (Article IV, Section 1.),
Elizabeth remained the actual vice president at the conclusion of the elections meeting.
Elizabeth was also the actual sitting vice president at the time of Lisa’s resignation from
the office of president, meaning that Elizabeth became president of the Lakeville FFA
Chapter upon Lisa’s resignation.
2. What must be done now to complete the Lakeville FFA Chapter officer team?
The chapter officers must select a new vice president to serve until the chapter meets
again in the fall. (Article IV, Section 3.) When Elizabeth became president of the
chapter following Lisa’s resignation, a vacancy was created in the office of vice
president. The chapter bylaws require the remaining officers to fill the vacancy for the
remainder of the unexpired term. The person appointed by the chapter officers will fill
the position of vice president until the chapter can meet to hold another election for
vice president.
The new election is necessary because the new vice president chosen by the officers will
only be completing Elizabeth’s term of office as vice president, which should have
ended at the election meeting, but because no election was completed, the newly
chosen vice president will continue in office until his or her successor is elected by the
chapter. Since there are no prohibitions against reelection, the person chosen by the
officers can be elected to the office of vice president by the chapter for a complete
(RONR p. 467, lines 33-35; pg. 458, lines 7-13; pg. 575, lines 6-17)
3. Was the election for vice president conducted properly?
No. The election for vice president should have been conducted by ballot. (Article IV,
Section 4). A requirement that a vote be taken by ballot cannot be suspended, even
by unanimous consent. (RONR p. 412, lines 24-28; pg. 443, lines 6-12) Claire should also
not have been a candidate since she was ineligible for election to the office. (RONR, p.
445, lines 19-22)
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FFA Chapter: _________________________________________________
15 PTS
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
Ability to Preside
65 points
States motions correctly, follows
rules of debate, keeps members
informed, puts motions to a vote,
announces results of votes, uses
gavel with autho
rity and
accuracy, aware of business on
the floor
Excellent: 51-65 pts
Good: 26-50 pts
Poor: 0-25 pts
15 points
Tactful, sensitive,
good voice, proper
Excellent: 10-15 pts
Good: 6-10 pts
Poor: 0-5 pts
Chair Question
20 pts
Team Effect
Team Effect (50 points)
Main motion was well analyzed.
What, when, where, who, how, was
Convincing, logical,
realistic, orderly and
efficient, germane, and
free from repetition
Team Voice
Voice: volume, enunciation,
pitch, pace, grammar
Poise: confidence, professional,
eye contact
Expression: conviction, gestures
Average of all six individual exam scores (200 points)
Team Problem Solving Research (150 points) (State Finals)
(List mistakes)
20 pts per
Omitting assigned motion: -50 points
Using additional main motions: -50 points
Deduction for overtime: -2 points/second after 11:00
Total Deductions
Total Team Score
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FFA Chapter: _________________________________________________
Team accurately identified the correct page(s) and line
number(s) in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (11
Solution to the Problem
Team provided logical justification and reasoning to
develop their solution, using citations listed from above to
solve the parliamentary procedure problem/issue.
Grammar, Style, and Legibility
Complete sentences are used
Correct spelling is used (deduction of 1 point/error)
Correct punctuation (deduction of 1 point/error)
Legibility and clarity exist
Total Points
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Parliamentary Procedure LSE Chart of Permissible Motions
Privileged Motions
Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn
Raise a Question of Privilege
Chair Grants
Call for the Orders of the Day
No vote,
Subsidiary Motions
Lay on the Table
Neg only
Previous Question
Limit or Extend Limits of Debate
Postpone to a Certain Time (or
Commit or Refer
Yes (1)
Postpone Indefinitely
Main Motion
Incidental Motions
Yes (1)
Division of the Assembly
No vote,
Division of a Question
Objection to the Consideration
of a Question
Neg. Only
Parliamentary Inquiry
Chair answers
Point of Order
Normally no
vote Chair
Request for Information
No vote,
Suspend the Rules
Withdraw a Motion
No (3)
Majority (3)
Neg. Only
Motions That Bring A Question Again Before The Assembly
Reconsider (4)
Yes (1)
Rescind (4)
Maj. With
notice, 2/3 or
maj. of
Neg. Only
Take From The Table (4)
(1) If applied to a debatable motion
(2) Rules of Order 2/3 vote, standing rules majority vote
(3) Refer to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11
edition) for rule(s)
(4) Refer to National FFA CDE rules #8-10 before using these motions in the demonstration