Part-time Faculty Office Hours Request Form
Guidelines for requesting office hours:
• Part-time faculty will inform their division dean, or appropriate administrator, prior to the first week of classes, of
the number of hours they wish to hold that semester.
• Office hours and location must be listed in the syllabus for each class for which office hours are provided.
• Part-time faculty teaching one (1) to six (6) units are encouraged to hold up to eight (8) hours per semester, and
up to twelve (12) hours per semester for part-time faculty teaching more than six (6) units.
• Office hours will be paid at $50.00 per hour.
• It is the faculty member’s responsibility to identify a specific, on-campus location for office hours, such as the
CTX, and clearly communicate this to students.
• Office hours shall be held at times and in locations that best serve the needs of students.
• Faculty teaching distance education classes may offer virtual office hours proportionate to their distance education
load. These must be scheduled at specific times and posted in syllabi.
• Each office hour meeting must be at least 30 minutes long, but no longer than two hours.
• Office hours may not be scheduled during passing periods, including those before your class.
• Office hours must be held on days you teach on this campus.
• The dean will review to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
Instructions for completing the form:
Complete Part 1 of the attached form.
Submit the form to your division by the Friday before the semester in which office hours are to be held.
Your division dean will notify you if your submission requires modification.
Number of Teaching Units Assigned:
Number of office hours to be held:
List classes and their meeting date and time:
List office hour day, dates, and times:
Location (building and room where office hours will be provided):
Verification of submitter’s teaching units:
Apply as submitted
Apply as Modified: